In this episode, DJ invited stress busting guru Adam Hart to the show to have a conversation about the ins and outs of how stress affects our relationships with our partners and our kids. Stay tuned to hear Adam’s witty wisd...
Our guest in this episode is Catherine Lamb. She is an expert at helping others conquer Impostor Syndrome which can show up as doubts about your abilities to care for your child, feelings of inadequacy when compared to other ...
In this episode, DJ invited author Steven Crane on the show to discuss his journey to living a life of gratitude and how he flipped the script on occurrences he originally considered to be negative experiences to actually hol...
In this podcast episode, yoga instructor and author, Sarah Finnis, joins DJ on the show to discuss using yoga poses in imaginative ways to help children learn and connect. Listen in as they discuss using alternative movements...
Many parents are looking for a way for their children to learn about self control, respect, and to be physically active. In this episode, DJ talks with Tim B., a martial arts coach and podcast host, about the benefits and bes...
In this episode, DJ talks with Procrastination Coach, Podcaster and Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Christine Li about setting attainable goals, manipulating your mindset and how failures are our best teachers and a brand new oppo...
You are a parent who wants to be more present with your family but things just seem to get in the way. Sometimes we worry, and there are so many things we worry about. Finances, family issues, work issues, our own insecurit...
Are you a parent who wants to be more present with your family but things just seem to get in the way? Sometimes we worry, and there are so many things we worry about. Finances, family issues, work issues, our own insecurit...
Most parents work while raising kids. Even if you are blessed to be at home, it is easy to become overly busy with being a volunteer with teams, school and church. While there are many different ways to find balance, in thi...
There are so many things we should never say to our kids, but for this episode, I highlight 10 common things that parents often say to their kids that tend to do more harm than good. By the end of this episode you will have t...
In our inaugural episode, DJ shares a BIG secret! Are you ready for it? NO PARENT IS PERFECT! We can’t let society and cultural norms get in the way of really doing what is best for our own children. Trust your gut! She goes ...