July 10, 2023

Episode 107 Holy Moly and Happy Homes: Veronica Williams Teaches Us How to Build a Loving Family Fortress

The greatest gift you can give your kids is a stable loving home that serves as their fortress of security and confidence so they can learn the best practices of life. In this episode, DJ invited life coach, Veronica Williams on the show to talk about safeguarding our most precious treasure, a loving family and a rock solid marriage. Tune in to gain tools to conquer tomorrow's challenges as they share problem solving strategies, kindness generators, and how to become the masters of forgiveness.

Veronica Williams co-founded the veteran-owned Alliance Seminars Coaching faith-based organization. She leverages her life experiences to provide coaching services, motivational speaking, and certified workshops. Alliance Seminars Coaching shares strategies and skills to strengthen personal and professional relationships through collaboration. She is dedicated to equipping today’s women for tomorrow’s challenges. She empowers single and married women through workshops, retreats, conferences, and roundtables. She connects with others through her life journey of overcoming various life encounters.

• [23:58] DJ & Veronica discuss the importance of making compromises and being spontaneous. 
• [27:49] “I think the killer in a marriage is when we think our spouses are telepathic…”
• [28:33] Veronica shares the importance of setting boundaries and limits.
• [30:57] Veronica and DJ talk about forgiveness… teaching kids how to forgive and showing forgiveness in your marriage. 

For more information on the Imperfect Heroes podcast, visit: https://www.imperfectheroespodcast.com/

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Children  0:00  
We think you should know that Imperfect Heroes podcast is a production of Little Hearts Academy USA.

DJ Stutz  0:10  
Welcome heroes and heroines to Episode 107 of Imperfect Heroes, Insights Into Parenting, the perfect podcast for imperfect parents looking to find joy in their experience of raising children in an imperfect world and I'm your host DJ Stutz.

Welcome back to the Imperfect Heroes podcast and today we have the incredible Veronica Williams taking the stage, and she is ready to just spill the beans on safeguarding our most precious treasure, a loving family and a rock solid marriage. And as the co founder of the Alliance seminars coaching, which is a faith based powerhouse. Veronica uses her own life experiences and training to deliver coaching services, motivational speaking and certified workshops that really do pack a punch and support others during their times of need. With her guidance, we can all become relationship, superheroes will be equipped with problem solving strategies, as well as kindness generators, and become the masters of forgiveness. And let's not forget those little rascals and what this does for them. We're talking about our kids. A strong loving home serves as their fortress of security and confidence and where they learn the best practices of life. So join Veronica on this incredible journey as she empowers single and married women. So brace yourselves for a wild ride of discovery, and gain tools to conquer tomorrow's challenges. There's so much to learn. So let's get started. 

Hey, everybody, welcome to Imperfect Heroes podcast and I have such an amazing guest. I always get amazing guests. I'm so lucky that way. But I have another one for you today. And her name is Veronica Williams. And Veronica, you come from a faith based point of view. And I know we are talking about I think it is probably next to life. The greatest gift you can give your kids and that is a stable loving home and a relationship that's working for them to watch. Right. And that's kind of her bag. That's her deal. And so Veronica, why don't you tell us a little bit about who you are and what you have going on.

Veronica Williams  2:42  
Okay. Hi, I am Veronica Williams. I'm a licensed minister as well as a master certified life coach. I am the co founder of a veteran owned business with my husband, Alliance seminars coaching where we provide coaching for premarital couples that are engaged as well as those that have hiccups. And as we facilitate workshops for organizations that are wanting to build their employee base relationships,

DJ Stutz  3:15  
I love it. I kind of have a similar thing in that I help with employers who want to help their employees who are struggling with kiddo issues. Yeah, so we have that kind of in common. But Veronica, I really do feel with all my heart that the relationship at home has such a strong and long lasting and impactful effect on the children growing up in that home. So when there's love and compassion and kindness between the couple that's raising these amazing people that affects their outlook on who they are. It affects their outlook on the world, on how other people and the relationships that they develop their own self esteem. It just goes on and on. I know that you start out with some of the premarital stuff. What a great place to start before we even get going. Yeah, so talk about some of the things that you would suggest for a couple to look at as they're planning on creating a family in a home.

Veronica Williams  4:20  
Yes, DJ, I first like to say that parents are the first influencers to shape a child's life. And in addition to during the couples, I do do parenting as well as well. We are here to discuss that. One way parents can do is to make sure that they are unified, that they are on one accord, that you will have already worked out your own personal and collective issues prior to having children. Number one, be ready for children. Sometimes when we're not really ready for children. We don't really live it before them and so Well, I would say be ready for children be ready for what it takes to be a parent. Prior to having children, I would say work on yourselves individually and collectively, to be able to even growing your own personal bond so that when you include your children, you already are connecting, the two of you are connected, and then you just adding this addition to your family. That is some of the beginning start that I would say to start with is be ready to have them and work on your own issues prior to having them even during the pregnancy.

DJ Stutz  5:38  
I would agree in fact, there are some studies, there are actually several studies out there that even if a mom found herself in a unfortunate situation and decided to give life and help a family through adoption, that even the stress levels, the music, they listen to all of that stuff, while that child is still in vitro will have an effect on them and their ability to concentrate and to connect and to build relationships as well. And so I always think that those moms who are brave enough to help another family through adoption, rather than not choosing life, are absolute heroes. And I think that first off, that's one thing we need to do as a society is really hold these women up to a higher level of gratitude and understanding. But at the same time to I think, when you look at the way you grew up, right, and everybody, even if you had the most idealistic childhood, there are going to be things that you will want to do the same as your parents, and then there will be things you want to do differently. And when you're thinking about those things, and you can do these things, after whatever but before is the best is that when you kind of come up with some of these ideas that, okay, we want to have a faith based home, we want to have music in our home, we want to have sports in our home, or whatever it is, I'm not gonna yell at my kids, my family yelled, I may decide I don't want that I don't want to yell at my kids, whatever that is, and then have that, like you said, conversation with your spouse. And make sure that you're on the same page for that is absolutely key.

Veronica Williams  7:24  
You're exactly right. You have to have a conversation about your background, what works, what did not work? What did you want to add to your relationship from your background, and what you want to take out. But I think we all come with some type of baggage in a relationship. It's just a matter of when we get together with that mate, we start unpacking that baggage. Conversely, making sure that you are authentic that you are your true self, you're not bringing in your representative, making sure that you you remove the unrealistic expectations, making sure that you are connecting in a way that is wholesome. So that when you bring the baby in there's wholesomeness, you mentioned about families yelling, I don't want to yell. Well, this prior to children, and sometimes marriages happen even while you have the children. And those things that you didn't get to work on before, it's a good time to just start wherever your relationships start with the children. And that is with communication, and realizing what don't work because we all discipline differently. We all have expectations of what we want it to look like. But if we keep it to ourselves and don't share it, we have to identify is what my expectation that I may have in raising my children. Is it healthy or unhealthy? What when we get to it's not until you are married with someone or living together with someone that you are really challenged about are held accountable for your actions, your personality, who you are, in all this out there when you love someone, because they see the good, the bad, the ugly, and you just think, Oh, I'm just this perfect person. Well, we're not none of us are perfect. But what we want to do is have a healthy relationship, and then build a healthy family once the children come into play.

DJ Stutz  9:31  
I think you're just so right on with all of that. It's just so key to make sure that you two are understanding and now it doesn't mean that you're both going to parent in the same way. No, because like in my family, a lot going here. Just love that. And my husband is equally introverted to my extraversion. And so we're I would want to talk things out and get to the bottom of it and really work it out. And my husband's just really quiet. And he just was more quiet and his approach with the kids, I was more hands on with the kids and in his quiet and it's he needed that time to be by himself. So I think a big part of making that relationship work is understanding how the other person relates to kids relates to people in general, and allowing them to be who they are, and realizing that Okay, on the noisy one, he is not it can be the other way around. I've seen couples words that and I've seen couples where they're both super outgoing, or they're both super quiet. But I think giving them permission to be to parent who they are, the important thing is making sure that you have those same values and the same ideas of success. How you want to help your children through things is going to be very individual, but making sure that you share values, and that can be faith values. I think those are very important. But it can also be things like honesty and hard work, and do they get an allowance or no, or those kinds of things? If you're on the same page there, then I think you'll do a lot better. What do you think?

Veronica Williams  11:12  
I agree with you wholeheartedly, and I believe it's all about our parenting styles. We know how we operate out of our personalities, and allowing individuals or allowing the spouse or even the mom and dad if they're not married to parent in their way, we can't tell people, our spouses in my case are even other individuals how to parent, we can only let them know like, this is the style that I'm most used to. But I want you to feel comfortable. I think where a lot of couples make the mistake is one person tries to do all of it. Yes, and don't allow the other person, whether it's the wife, or the husband, to discipline or to communicate with the children in their own personality. And I believe when you can start there and connecting with allowing the other person to operate in with who they are, then that cuts down a whole lot of the other disagreements or conflict that may happen in front of the children. But I always say if one spouse disciplines in a manner that you may not want to one didn't feel like it was worth it or whatever. Do not say anything at that moment in front of children. Because now you're setting right. Now you're setting up, the kids already know what kind of person you are. And now this manipulation, all that starts? Oh, no way is the perfect way. No way is the perfect place. So you have to let them be who they are. But the main thing is don't discipline the disciplinary. You know, I think that's where we have a problem sometimes and that that's where conflict starts. It happens, you talk offline, out of the sight of the children, you don't let them know that there's a disagreement, and then you let that individual go on as long as it's not hitting the line of abuse. Right? You're okay with that. But if it reaches a line that is a little bit more than that, if it really don't matter that the answer or the response could be one way or the other, let it go. Worth it. So just allowing the individual to discipline in the manner that they discipline and don't try to discipline the disciplinarian is the only way I can explain that because I've seen that happen a lot. Oh, I have to, and especially with blended families, if you're gonna blend a family, talk with the individual and give them authority to discipline your children not as a step mom, or stepdad, but as a couple, as a family, have those conversations outside of the children and allow and then you have a conversation with the children when there's blended families and sometimes not blended families. You have to express to the children to respect their elders. Yeah. Don't think that because I'm here, you're gonna get away with something that I told you not to. And recognize when children try to play the parents against each other. That is so key and so critical. And then children as they grow older and become more verbal, they try to discipline you, or they call you too often on your discipline ways, right? Yes, yes.

DJ Stutz  14:49  
I didn't know though. There were times when my kids would call me on something and I'd have to stop and think it'd be like the right Darn it. but then that's a time when you have to come back and say, You know what I think about what this does to a child, even a young child to come back and say, You know what I was thinking about what you said. And you're right, Mommy or Daddy needs to improve on this, this or this. And so, so just a little weird story, I 40 years ago, I was actually a 911 operator as I was helping to put my husband through college. And when you're in that environment, and with the police, and all of that, language can get a little colorful. And so I picked up on a little bit of that none of the big ones, but enough that it was not appropriate. And so gosh, Shiloh, he's my second child. And he wasn't in kindergarten, yet. He might have been about four years old. And he was carrying his full plate, I set him up to fell, he was carrying a full plate around the peninsula, and to the table. And guess what happened? He dropped it. And all this food goes all over the place. And he let a word fly. And I said, Shiloh, you cannot say that word that is not okay. And he looked at me and said, What? But Mommy, you say it? Oh, yeah, well, there's that. So but so then we talked and came up with a plan. And so that if I caught him saying that, then he would have to have a timeout or whatever. But if he caught me saying that, I had the same consequence, and I had this constant, have a timeout. Now there were times I was tempted to just use that. So I could have a timeout, I have to admit that we you know, we did better and called me on something that was appropriate. And so I think having that mindset instead of don't correct me or whatever, well, they're, but they're right, I think that one of the greatest gifts that a dad can give a child is to love that child's mother. And the same thing for a mom to give the child is to love that child's daddy. And so when you're in the home, you are showing that there are kisses here and their touch on the back as you walk by or a compliment. When you walk in the door and use given your kids, you know, hey, my babies, you know, and made them feel excited and that you've missed them and love them. And then you're gonna say just a second, I have to go kiss your mom, or kiss your dad, and you have that kind of approach. And the kids are going to laugh, but they love seeing that you are together and happy. And so what are some of the things then that you suggest in the work that you do to help couples remain loving and happy with each other?

Veronica Williams  17:54  
Well, what you just said, Your example is so good. When a child sees mom and dad showing love for one another, that gives them security. That is what allows them to feel like okay, everything's good mom and dad are in a good place. But whenever they see that disconnect, now you cause a little anxiety and a little worry in the children. But it is very important to let the children see you show affection towards one another. And I think one of the ways that you are able to show the affection is learning your love language, learning each other's love language, and being able to express that. And then I also not only to your point earlier as well, having those honest conversations with each other and with the children. Yes, mommy and daddy mess up. But the one thing that couples can do, that really makes a great impact in front of the children is learning to apologize and say I am sorry, when we disagree or when something goes down. Because that teaches the children to do that. showing affection is so key and so critical. I don't know how many people I could tell you that I know. And even within my own family, my own immediate family, right how they didn't see the affection. So therefore they don't know how to be affectionate. And it impacts how they develop in relationships with the opposite sex. And so that is why it's so important to make sure that you show the affection that you are open about your feelings and conversation, to be able to let the children know how to do it. They learned from you. And you have to think about what you Say, how you say that. And the most critical piece is the timing. So that they will learn how to do that. So often our children don't know how to do it. And that is why relationships are here, because some of them see what mom and dad does. But a lot of it is what they see around them TV, all of the tragic type of shows, TV shows or movies and things like that, that impact. So you want to make sure that you have that dialogue with the children to let them know what the real deal is or what the real response should be. Especially when they get into preschool, and they have their first little kindergarten or preschool to crush their fear. Teach them how to go back and apologize, teach them how to go back and say, You know what, what you did to me, this is how I feel. This is how that made me feel. We have to even do that as spouses instead of going off on a tangent at the most inappropriate and an opportune time. We have to be able to say, Hey, can I have this conversation with you about something that happened earlier in the day? Yeah, trying to Crazy Cycle. But I just want us to talk about it. When you said this, I felt this way. And then being able to go back and say, hey, you know, I responded to you in such a disrespectful way. And I need to apologize, because I don't even know where it was coming from it just Yeah. Example I have to do sometimes I think I have to do that today. You get you get held accountable. conversations, and then you realize, even acting like that, or why did I misinterpret what they were saying or it's essential, you have a conversation to do that. And we often have to do that as spouses. And we often have to do that as mom and dad with our children for whatever reason it is. So trying to live harmoniously is a heart the when we think if what I'm going to say going to be helpful or harmful to the relationship, and helpful or harmful in the growing that the children have to have to learn how to have to learn. I think that's how we have to do sometimes we really have to check ourselves before somebody else check us and make sure like, should I say this? Should I not? Well, if it's not helpful, and if it's harmful, and that person isn't in the right mood, maybe for a little bit, always finding what's appropriate, what's inappropriate. We all have a mindset to choose. And we have to make sure that we choose the best response for the right time and go from there. But then also have a sidebar, just to discuss it. Well, one of the things that I like is that couples, sometimes you may need to go to dinner, or you may need to go to a park, go have ice cream, some place to kind of digress, the the tone and the uproar that may be caused or the emotions behind everything all the time talk about because we have to learn how to live healthy. There's too many people that have health issues already. And then if our relationship at home is unhealthy, that just topples all of everything. So we want to make sure that we live in a healthy way that we communicate in a healthy way that we store our surroundings and our environment in a healthy way. As we live together as a couple. And as we parent, no thing. Nothing's going to be perfect. And we're not always in the perfect mood. But we should give some inkling like not right now. Can we hold off on that?

DJ Stutz  23:58  
Yeah, yeah, gotta

Veronica Williams  23:59  
reach out for signs that say, oh, you know what, let me table.

DJ Stutz  24:06  
And sometimes that's hard to do when you're really frustrated or really mad. And especially if you are in a state of mind where a lot of our young parents right now have grown up in homes where they pretty much get what they want. You know, they get all these expensive toys, and there's so many toys that they have to have a special room for the toys because they won't fit in the kids rooms. And then they just do all these things for the kids. So when they become adults, then they struggle with Wait a minute, you don't want to do that. But I want it right now. You're telling me no what? And that becomes a huge issue. And so we want to make sure that we're giving our kids that opportunity and when they see parents who maybe dad really wanted this one thing and mom's like ah I don't feel comfortable with that happens all the time with parenting. So how you're going to work it out and when things don't go your way, how are you going to work that out? And are they watching you maybe make some compromises and all of that. But I also think that one thing is so important for your marriage relationship and for the kids, is for a mom or a dad to say, You know what, I picked such a good daddy or I pick such a good mommy for you. He or she, they're amazing. And they're good cook, or they work hard, or they, I love the way they laugh. And so imagine what that does for the marriage relationship. When I'm in doing dishes, let's say you are cleaning, or making dinner, usually it was the other way around, my husband's the best cook. But to hear someone say, You know what, I picked such a good mommy for you. And my heart just kinda Ooh, you know. And then to, it's letting the kids know that, Oh, I do have a good mom, don't I or I do have a good dad, don't I. And so it really helps the relationships of everybody in the household when just that little short comment, and you can add, they're pretty, they're handsome, they're smart, they're good cook, they're good at making things, whatever it is, and to have them be very spontaneous, and so that the kids are able to see that

Veronica Williams  26:21  
you're right, we have to have complementary words, so that our children will learn how to compliment, we also have to have acts of kindness, cooking dinner, I'm just gonna do the dishes here, let me just start washing them now are, you're finished dinner, let me just help you. And husbands and wives don't reject any help receive the help. And most importantly, though, when we say I do, that means that we're going to receive our spouse, The Good, the Bad, and the ugly. And that is how we have to teach our children like what you're saying in terms of allowing the kids to see our kind words or acts of kindness towards one another. That because we're showing them how to develop in a healthy way when we do that. And we must do that. Because then now they don't learn and take it into their years of learning. And whether it's in preschool, elementary, high school, as they become adults, as they get into deeper relationships, they'll learn how to do that they won't have to reach really deep and realize like, Where was that? But then I think it just takes the conversation, getting to know the individual taking your time, getting to know each other and realizing what they're like, what their likes and dislikes, and have them tell you what their likes and dislikes are. I think the killer in a marriage is that when we think our spouses are telepathic, that yes, let's not retain all of that they do it once, they may not retain like, that's a good thing, when we keep a historical list, and we need to sometimes tear up that historical list and just get in the moment, when we start going too far to thinking that creates a whole nother layer of issues that don't even need to be. And then when you talk about the gift buying and kids need to know what no me they need to know not right now. And then we also have to set boundaries, even with husbands and wives, we may be able to afford some nice fancy things. But really, is it needed now? Is it a need or a want isn't going to benefit one person, or it's going to benefit the two of us and the whole family. Those are things that all require conversations when we began to make purchases, when we began to make decisions, and we make sure that we're on one accord. But out of all of that you may not be on one accord. But let's have a compromise. That means less agree, and really mean that you're gonna agree to whatever. Well, I thought you said Mom, no, sometimes you might have to get it in writing. I promise not to bring this up again. I promise not to say that you couldn't have that. Oh, I did say you have you know, but don't bring all history stuff and stick to your answer. Even with our children. Let your no be No. Let your yes be yes. Let her not right now. Kids will hound you for a time, a date and all of that. And you teach them when they're young. They'll learn like okay, let me give my mom and dad since face? And then that we need to teach them. Let me think about it. But I'm not going to give an answer right now, in a couple of hours after I let this process let me try to respond, explaining to our children explaining to our spouses, and just when you're making decisions, sometimes we call in our husbands or what they're calling the wives, because they have to make a decision, you know, sometimes you just have to make the decision good or bad, and just be okay with it. But that's an agreement that you make, if you don't reach me, because I'm in a meeting or because I'm not available, as is really critical to have an answer, just go ahead and make the decision. I mean, we'll work it out and stand by it later, we'll deal with it later. If there's any correction, we'll just figure out how to correct it later, whether it's a financial thing or whatever, but making sure that it is in the realm of whatever your decision process it.

DJ Stutz  30:56  
That's so true. That is so true. And I think probably the last thing, we're running out of time, but I think the ability for the kids to see, I forgive you, right? In teaching kindergarten, cautious was four years ago, I think. But we had one of those little guys, you know, that just struggled with waiting and struggled with, I want this now. And there was an incident where we had one of those little tire swings, you know, out on the playground. And he was just struggling with waiting. And he wound up grabbing one of the kids and yanking him, because the tire swing could have three kids on it the way it was put together. And he yanked one of those kids off. And you know, of course, they it's a soft landing and whatever. But still, it made him sad and and scared him because he wasn't expecting it. And so you know, we had a long conversation, and he had to have a little bit of a timeout for me was just sitting there asking questions you can play right now. But let's talk about what happened. Or give you some peace and quiet, but you're not alone. Anyway, he said, I'm ready to go play. I said, Okay. What do you think you need to do for that before you go play? Because I need to go, Sam. Sorry. I said, Absolutely. Thank you for thinking of that. So he went over to this other little boy that he had pulled off. And he said, you know, Joey, I'm sorry, I pulled you off the tire swing. And this little Joey put his hand on the other kid's shoulder. And he said, That's okay, I forgive you. And you could just see how that washed on the other little boy. And I thought, Man, this kid has had some good role models in his life.

Veronica Williams  32:40  
And kids are our adults trainers. Because the thing about children is they forget very quickly, they have a short, they have a short memory, they could be playing. And they might have a little tiff, but they'll be playing again and five minutes, is when the adults get in and add the extra emotions that the children don't have. That is a lovely story. That is just really how it should be. And hopefully we can carry that on and teach our children that. But learning how to say forgiveness, even in marriages is the best thing and being able to explain, some people say no, is it and that's it, because I said so we probably grew up like that many years ago. Yeah. Yeah, but I feel it's okay to explain your answer to the children. And the reason why you explain your answer is not really for the right now. But it's in the years to come that they just don't take on some of your personality to be so hard. And to be so cutthroat. And what you're teaching them when you explain is that you're teaching them how to be empathetic, how to understand you. And then put that in perspective. In their mindset. It is so many teachable moments that we have an opportunities to show children how to develop healthy relationships from a young age, and then we can learn from them. If before as a parent, we jump into a kid's tip, I call it a little tip, because it was not meant to be something argumentative and long lasting. Before we jump in, we need to step back and see how they work it out. will work out

DJ Stutz  34:32  
you're talking gold here is so important. And we tend to jump in so quickly. Or if it's a neighbor kid or someone at the park, whatever. Stand back, watch. Let's see them work it out. See how they negotiate. Maybe they're yelling at each other. Okay, I'm close by in case things get bad, but I'm not involved. I'm watching but I'm letting them work it out for as long as I can. And then They're going to start learning those negotiation skills and problem solving skills and compromise and all those great things that kids need to learn. And so we shouldn't be jumping in quite so fast. So, Veronica, I see we're running out of time, but I want to make sure my listeners, and now watchers get to be in contact with you. What do they need to do? Oh,

Veronica Williams  35:23  
through Facebook, you can just type in alliance seminars, coaching. And you can reach us by on the website, as well as at Alliance seminars. That's one word.org or RG.

DJ Stutz  35:36  
I love it. That is fantastic. And so don't hesitate. And like you said, you do premarital counseling, regular marriage counseling. And from my point of view, I think it's worth it that we get our cars tuned up every now and then we get a physical every now and then I think every X amount of years, we ought to go and take a marriage class and just check in make sure and getting that health checkup. And so I would highly recommend Veronica for that. And, yeah, take advantage of her.

Veronica Williams  36:09  
And definitely because you know, oh marriages can add to their toolkit. Oh, yeah, I remember, I think our tools get a little rusty. And we get so comfortable, that we forget and talking to someone else, whether it's a person that has been married, that that is older, not so much number of years or whatever, but who has wisdom, and has walked the path that the two of you have walked, and they've worked it out. So that is something that we could do as well. It's always good to have you not so much a nosy third party, but let it be a couple that the two of you can trust, and that we'll be able to have your information held and competence. Because a lot of things don't need the general public to know. Right behind I think we're such a everything you could find as Google, right. And everybody got to tell their business with Facebook and all of that, oh my

DJ Stutz  37:11  
gosh, that's the worst thing in the world. Yes.

Veronica Williams  37:14  
So I think sometimes when we have situations with our spouses, those are the times that we need to air it out and deal with it behind the scenes, because most often it can be worked out. But when we exploit it, and before we've talked together, when you add new, and when you get a third party or fourth party in there, it takes it to the gamut that it should even be. So that's why it's so important to try to talk to either a life coach like myself and my husband, our IP is so deeply rooted in there are issues that go beyond the current to move forward. If there's something from your past and things like that, it's great to talk to marriage counselors. That's what I would recommend. But feel free to reach out to us, we'll be glad to assist in whatever way we can.

DJ Stutz  38:00  
I love that. So Veronica, I always ask my guests the same question at the end of our conversations. And so that is how would you describe a successful parent?

Veronica Williams  38:11  
Oh, no. Harry is one that recognize that they're not perfect. Recognize that what I do to be the first influencer in my child's life, let me try to help the tools. And let me be authentic, real and honest with my children, as to whatever it is, as you grow in relationship with them, if it's an experience that they're having, and you might have had it, share that experience, because one thing I realize is that children think we are perfect. And we do have to sometimes be transparent with our children to let them know that we were not perfect. We also have to be honest with our children to establish a mom and dad relationship and not be friends so that your discipline can be looked at seriously. And then even if you feel like Oh, I'm not really good in that area, a good parent is gonna go to another parent that has had an experiences that they're experiencing to get the help that they need.

DJ Stutz  39:20  
Absolutely. So I'd like to hear what our listeners are thinking and watchers are thinking. And so if you agree, or if you have other comments, I'd love to see them in the chat. You can leave them with Rumble and YouTube. You can also leave a review and a comment on the podcast or just go to our Facebook and Instagram pages. And they're both it's just Imperfect Heroes podcasts and just tell us what you think we'd love to hear. Thank you for listening in. 

Veronica, thank you for spending a few minutes with us. And we will talk to you later. Bye guys. 

Isn't she great and if you want to learn more about Veronica and the Alliance seminars, just head over to www.alliantseminars.org and get ready to transform your relationships like never before. And you're gonna find all of this information in the show notes below. And then while you're there, I want you to hit the Follow button, and make sure you're getting in on the amazing episodes that we have each week. And if you like what you hear in today's podcast, be sure to rate review. And most importantly, tell a friend. And you can do this, whether you're listening on Apple, Spotify, or some other platform, or if you just listen from the imperfect heroes podcast website. And if you're on the website of the podcast, which is imperfectheroespodcast.com, you can just click on reviews at the top and then you're going to click on leave a review. And it's that easy. I want you to know, though that we are also now on YouTube, and Rumble. So if you're watching on YouTube, our channel is called Little Hearts Academy. And if you're listening on Rumble, our channel there is Imperfect Heroes. So give us a look and see and you'll be able to see these amazing guests and all that they have to offer. If you're Peace seeker, today is the first day of our challenge five days of peace. So get ready to ignite your spirit and just radiate positivity. It's not too late to register now. And so be among those who are experiencing this transformative event. And it's gonna go from today, July 10 through Friday, July 14. And I'd love for you to join us on a joyous journey towards inner harmony and global unity. And each morning, an email is going to burst into your inbox, revealing that day's focus and challenge packed with exciting suggestions just to help you kickstart your peaceful endeavors. So brace yourself for electrifying live events at 6pm Mountain Time on our Facebook page, where you're going to be able to participate and immerse yourself in some of these uplifting discussions. You're gonna get the link to join our specific challenge Facebook page when you register, so be sure and do that. You can still register today, like I said, and we're going to create a just a symphony of positivity together. You can just go to www.littleheartsacademyusa.com or just click on the link in the show notes. That's easy. And next week, my guest is Dr. Bill Senyard. And we're talking about a term that was totally new to me, a tuning a tuning to your children. It's crazy interesting. So check it out and see and until next time, let's find joy in parenting.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Veronica E. Williams Profile Photo

Veronica E. Williams

Master Certified Life Coach

Veronica Williams co-founded the veteran-owned Alliance Seminars Coaching faith-based organization. She leverages her life experiences to provide coaching services, motivational speaking, and certified workshops. Alliance Seminars Coaching shares strategies and skills to strengthen personal and professional relationships through collaboration. She is dedicated to equipping today’s women for tomorrow’s challenges. She empowers single and married women through workshops, retreats, conferences, and roundtables. She connects with others through her life journey of overcoming various life encounters. You can learn more about Veronica and Alliance Seminars at https://www.allianceseminars.org/.