Oct. 28, 2024

Episode 174: Brave Parents Needed. Standing Up For Your Child’s Education with Dr. George Maurer

Episode 174: Brave Parents Needed. Standing Up For Your Child’s Education with Dr. George Maurer

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In this episode, DJ explores Critical Race Theory (CRT) in education. As parents, it’s essential to understand what our children are being taught, especially when it impacts their self-image and how they view others. DJ's guest, Dr. George Maurer, author of "Critical Race Theory in Your School: How to Fight Back," offers insights on how parents can identify and address CRT in schools.

Dr. Maurer explains the difference between CRT and ethnic studies, highlighting how CRT’s focus on oppression can harm children's self-concept. He also discusses the misuse of terms like "oppression" and "privilege" in curricula and how it negatively shapes worldviews. Dr. Maurer emphasizes the bravery required for parents to stay engaged and speak out when destructive teachings arise. He also explores CRT's Marxist roots and its harmful effects on children's mental health, urging parents to foster their children's confidence.

Mentioned in the episode: Moms for Liberty: Moms for Liberty

TIMESTAMPS: 6:01 - Difference between ethnic studies and CRT
7:40 - Key "red flag" words in curricula
16:08 - Tactics used on young children
27:19 - DJ shares the importance of recognizing the good in people

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Contact Dr. George Maurer
LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-george-s-maurer-ed-d-72786312/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drgeorgesmaurer/
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DJ Stutz  0:14  

You're listening to imperfect heroes insights into parenting, the perfect podcast for imperfect parents looking to find joy in their experience of raising children in An imperfect world, and I'm your host, DJ Stutz, you

DJ Stutz  0:43  

Hey everybody, thanks for joining me here again today. And we have a great topic, a great guest before we get started. I just want to remind you that if you want to get in on my parent perspectives workshops, so those are at no cost to you, you just register. You register once, and you'll have access to our live workshops the fourth Thursday of every month. Plus, if you register, I know that one o'clock in the afternoon Mountain Time may not work for everybody, so you can get all of the replays there at no cost as well. And so go ahead and hop over to the website and you can register there. Let's get started. So, Dr, George Maurer, I saw your bio, and I'm like, Okay, I gotta have him. And so you are just singing my music. So, Dr, George, why don't you talk to us a little bit about who you are and what you have going on? Okay,

Dr. George Maurer  1:47  

Well, to start, I wrote my book to help people. It's called critical race theory in your school, how to fight back. And I had a co worker while I was writing this, and I was just about almost done with the book, and we were talking about it a little bit, and he mentioned that he had heard about CRT, didn't know what it was, was afraid that maybe his daughter was being indoctrinated with it, but didn't know how to ask questions. So he wasn't really sure where to begin. So I gave my book to him, and he came back a couple of days later, and he said, Thank you so much. I was able to go online look at my daughter's class descriptions, and I was able to determine, at least from there, it does not appear she's learning any critical race theory, and I feel 100% better. That is exactly who I wrote this book for because it's such a confusing topic. I've been in journalism for a long time, and I've always been kind of a news junkie and current events guy, and so in 2020 the covid hit, and I retired from the Air Force in 2010 I'm a retired Air Force Master Sergeant. 

DJ Stutz  3:02  


Dr. George Maurer  3:03  

And thank you very much anytime. And so I used my post 911 GI Bill. I retired with an associate's degree. And so the post 911 GI Bill was such a good deal, I'm like, I cannot not use this. So I am back. I got my bachelor's, I got my master's, and I had some leftover. And I was like, I really don't know what to do with it, but then I discovered something called an education specialist degree, which is sort of a halfway between a doctoral and a master's degree. And I was like, you know, I'm only 11 classes away from my doctoral degree. I think I'm going to do it. So I did it, and right around the time when it was time to create my dissertation, I did the EDD, and I did a two year capstone project, and when I was looking for a topic, critical race theory was just something that was kind of popping at the time. And I was like, you know, I'm really interested in this. And so I did it, and when I got done with it, I was, my intention, always was to turn it into a book so I un-academiceased it, turned it back into English so normal people can read it. You know, when you read academic papers. It always reminds me of Joey Tribbiani from friends with a thesaurus. He's just throwing long words in there, just because, just because, without any real regard for what it actually means. So academics, I love to pick on academics because they're silly people. They're not nearly as smart as they think they are, kind of thing. So, but anyway, converted it into a book released on May 9, a couple weeks ago, and here I am. 

DJ Stutz  4:45  

That's so great. And what's the name of your book?

Dr. George Maurer  4:47  

It is Critical race theory in your school, how to fight back. What I teach parents to do is to look for critical how to look for critical race theory, even when the words critical race theory have been removed. That's a sneaky little tactic they use very often, and how to create strategies to fight back. If need be all through the book, there'll be primary lesson. Then we'll talk a little bit about something. Then I'll. okay, what was the primary lesson here? Then we talk a little bit more about something. What's the primary lesson here. So that's the gist of the book for the most part.

DJ Stutz  5:23  

Excellent. You know, you're very right in them, changing the name and stuff. So in my teaching, I had both great and some negative experiences with me not being willing to use certain language in the classroom or with students on different things. And yeah, so I taught at low income inner city schools, and I refused to tell a single child that they were a victim.

Dr. George Maurer  5:51  

Or that's the worst thing you can do. It's the worst thing you can do.

DJ Stutz  5:54  

And it's like, so obvious to me, yeah. How can anybody think that this is okay.

Dr. George Maurer  6:01  

Well, in my book, I talk about a number of things, but one thing that folks need to understand is that critical race theory and ethnic studies are not the same thing. Correct, not at all. Ethnic studies is the positive, healthy study of one's culture, leading to self understanding, self confidence, self awareness, all the things that we need to be successful in life. Critical Race Theory is the relentless focus on only the worst moments in our society, without giving any due credit to all of the progress that we've made over the last several decades. And we've come so far, so far. I mean, in 1955 a man named Emmett Till was murdered for flirting with a white woman in Alabama. Okay, give you an idea of just how far we've come now. Stanford Research. Stanford. Stanford University research has said that ethnic studies helps all students, but particularly students of color and at risk, students just the kids that you were teaching, they're the ones who need this ethnic studies program more than anyone. However, unfortunately, CRT has hijacked many ethnic studies programs across the country, especially here in California, there's a thing called the F the California ethnic studies Model Curriculum mandatory by 2030 and they say there's no critical race theory in here. I went through it. I went through the first 600 pages. Could not go any further, but it had 591 critical race theory code words in the first 600 pages, oppression, privilege, social justice, marginalization. If you look at your child's online school curriculum, class descriptions, if you see those code words in there. They're being taught critical race theory, right? And so that's what you really need to look out for. 

DJ Stutz:  

Right.  And the language is so important. And the reality is, as we're talking because, you know, on our podcast, we really focus on those younger kids, eight and under but they're getting hit even in preschool curriculums. Now they're being hit. And I speak from experience because I was a kindergarten teacher in public schools for many, many years. I spent three years directing preschools for the school district at three different preschools, and then, as I was working to finish up my teaching degree. I was working as a preschool teacher in that as well. So I'm talking to you from not only as a parent, but as an educator in that realm. What was interesting to me was once that we decided it was time for me to retire, we were going to move up to Chester, Idaho, and I was at the very last meeting, and they were introducing the new social emotional curriculum for the next year. And I taught that curriculum before it's a decent curriculum. I never had a problem with it, and I'm one who would have a problem with things I didn't think were right. So at the end of the meeting, I raised my hand and I said, parents here social, emotional learning, and the hairs on their neck will stand up. It's it's something that is a concerning term for right now. So what do you have to help us let parents feel comfortable with what we are teaching? And this administrator bristled up, she was with the district, bristled up and said, we don't even concern ourselves with those people. I said, What!  That's crazy! 

Dr. George Maurer

Yeah, parents have no say at all in this crazy.DJ Stutz  9:50  

That was the end of it. I said, Why don't we? I always had an open door policy in my classroom, always, and I didn't need any notice. Some teachers required like, 24 hour notice before a parent could come in. I'm like, why?  We are, they catch me on a bad day. They see us on a bad day. 

Dr. George Maurer  10:06  

Yeah, in my book, I address something called in loco parentis, which is in place of parents. And what it means is they, they did a study in one school. Just ask. I mean, it's not a scientific thing or anything, but they talked to teachers at one particular school and asked them, if you disagree with the parents opinion on something, do you feel justified in interfering in the parent, student, child relationship? 85% said yes, 

DJ Stutz  10:43  

Yeah, that's correct.

Dr. George Maurer  10:46  

85%.  It's insane. Yeah, it's insane. And at their heart, the thing you can understand is, at their heart, Critical Race theorists are Marxists. They see socialism as the great wave of the future that will solve all of our problems, poverty and racism and everything else. Of course, history, real history says 180 degrees, the opposite they're gonna Yeah, history, exactly. You know, Venezuela was one of the richest countries in South America until they instituted communism, and within a few years, people were killing their pets so they could eat. It's crazy, but that's just the mindset of these people. And Marxists always go after the kids, always and there's a good reason for that. I don't know if you've ever heard of a group called Moms for Liberty. I have okay, they are a group in Tennessee, started in Tennessee. They've got chapters across the country now. But how it started was a woman by the name of Robin Steinman. Her child watched a 113 minute CRT video. This was a little girl who always referred to everyone around her, all of her friends, regardless of race, the boy in the blue shirt, the girl in yellow shorts, the boy in the red sneakers, she watched 113 minute video, and suddenly the words that black girl, that White Boy, became standard in her vocabulary. And so when she went to dig into this thing and learn more about it, the curriculum that was there was called wit and wisdom. And when, when wit and wisdom was being taught to those kids, they started investigating wit and wisdom. The adults started going through these books that first graders, kindergarteners, the adults, found themselves getting depressed at the non stop negative, negative, negative, negative. And she asked a doctor, a psychiatrist, what is this? Negative, negative, negative, what is that? And a psychiatrist told Miss Steinman that is called the psychology of shame. It is a brainwashing technique often used on prisoners of war after they've been captured, and these people are using it on our children, right? They are low down. I don't even want to say what I think about them, butDJ Stutz  13:19  

Ha. Family show.

Dr. George Maurer  13:20  

I mean, I cannot express my contempt enough. And again, one of the reasons I was motivated to write this book, parents, if you recognize this stuff out there, Stand up, fight back. You need to for the good of your child. 

DJ Stutz

Yeah, it was really kind of sad. I was talking to a parent about a week ago just about some of the things that were going on in their child's school and just society in general, and their attitude was, well, there's nothing we can do about it anyway.

Dr. George Maurer

There's a lot you can do a lot

DJ Stutz  13:57  

Yes there is, and it's almost like they didn't want, when I tried to talk to them about some of the things that they could do, it’s almost like they didn't want to hear it. Well, I was wondering, man, where does that even come from? Other than that shame thing that you're talking about that right? We're supposed to feel this way because we really are bad in our hearts, or we really are bad as a people, and so

Dr. George Maurer  14:21  

or so they say, or so they say, yes, 

DJ Stutz  14:25  

Yeah, but we're not.

Dr. George Maurer  14:26  

We're not. 

DJ Stutz  14:27  

I mean, yes, the natural man is an enemy to God, but each one of us has the light of Christ within us, whether you believe or not, it's there, and that's where we have our kindness and reaching out and knowing right from wrong, and and that little thing inside of us that says you shouldn't do that, and whether you do it anyway or not, it's there you can beat it down. So you pretty much goes away time you can do that, but it takes effort to get that light out of you. But the earlier they. And start with our kiddos, the easier it is to kind of beat that out. 

Dr. George Maurer  15:05  

The old Soviet Union in Nazi Germany, yeah, they taught their kids to turn in your parents if they do something wrong. And a lot of them did, yeah. A lot of them did, yeah. And that's part of the California's ethnic studies Model Curriculum. There's three or four classes in there that are social justice warrior training campgrounds. Okay? And then, I mean, they study techniques of like, BLM, they study techniques of the TWLF, oh, boy. Something Liberation Front. It was something that happened back in the early 70s. It's like one of their, I can't believe I can't believe, I can't think of it, but it's like their most famous activist group, but they study the techniques, and then they encourage the children look for opportunities to become an activist in your neighborhood, find something that's wrong and become an activist. And then in high school, when they've become indoctrinated in one of the classes, they go to elementary schools, and they talk to the kids, and so not only are they getting it from the teacher, but now they're getting it from older children as well. And just to give you an idea of some of the content of these classes, one parent took a photo of one of those whiteboards that was in a kindergarten class, kindergarten and the class was supposed to be about freedom. Okay, in this freedom class, these children were asked to discuss the following five sentences, and I can always remember only four, but it's white people have more than blacks. Whites oppressed blacks. Whites harass blacks, and when you're in a war you must fight, okay? And these critical and insane, yeah, and these critical race theorists say, by creating this racial conflict, somehow there will be a positive outcome on the other end, it's ridiculous. It doesn't make any sense. Exactly. I mean, if you're going to stir these tensions, these racial tensions, up between children, the only thing you can expect is bad things. I mean, common sense says you're going to have some problems in class after you're done with this class. But these critical race theorists, there's no way they believe everything they're saying, No way in the world. They're intentionally doing this. And again, the grand Marxist plan. And you know, you thought, Oh, the Soviet Union fell. So communism is over. Not even a little bit. They are here, and they are working in our society to take down capitalism and to install socialism. And China is their model. That's what they're working for. And their ultimate goal, since Karl Marx was alive, is a one world Marxist government, where they control everything you do. And I mean, everything.

DJ Stutz  17:56  

Right, yeah, yeah. And we see a lot of that coming down from things like United Nations and the World Economic Forum, and those 

Dr. George Maurer  18:03  

Yeah, the World Economic Forum, yep, 

DJ Stutz  18:05  

Oh yeah, that's good, man, if you really want to get that,

Dr. George Maurer  18:10  

Yeah, you know. Well, the thing is, they're not even hiding it anymore. They come right out and say it. They come right out and say it. But they're counting on the fact that most folks are too busy to spend the time to do a little research, and just like those parents, Oh, it's too much. I get it. I do if you do a Google search on critical race theory, the first 200 things that pop up are going to tell you that critical race theory is the most awesome thing in the world, and it's going to cure racism. It's not not even a little bit. It's confusing. I get it, but again, that's why I wrote this book. I cleared the clutter out for parents, and I got down to the nuggets of truth. Critical Race Theory is going to poison your child's mind. It's going to depress your child. Sometimes children have suicidal thoughts. Sometimes they feel guilty about who they are and consider things like murdering their families over the sins of the past. It's insane. It's crazy. 

DJ Stutz  19:14  

Well, and even if you just look at the numbers, so suicidal attempts in our young kids is way up. It's not getting better, it's getting worse. And so for them to try and say this is going to make things better, well, what's your track record? It's not there. And,

Dr. George Maurer  19:31  

Yeah, Show me the evidence. They don't have it, but they had it. They would show it, believe me, but they don't have it, right?

DJ Stutz  19:36  

One of the things that I really talk to the parents that I coach is you really do need to know your child's teachers so you know when you have a teacher that won't meet with you,

Dr. George Maurer  19:50  

Yeah, not talking to the parent,

DJ Stutz  19:53  

Right. Yes, that's a red flag. And our kids allowed in for school celebration. And whether they do, like a Halloween party or a Thanksgiving Day where they do family things. And so around Thanksgiving, we would do heritage. And I always had students from all over, I mean, Egypt, Croatia and Ukraine and all around. And I would invite their parents to come in, and this is our November thing, of course, share something about their culture that might be different than the what the other kids are experiencing. I had parents who were homeless that would come in and talk about their life and not necessarily being homeless, but just, you know, some of the things about growing up, and some of their family traditions, and some of the food, you know, we'd show food that they would eat in their whatever, and embracing everyone with, yes, 

Dr. George Maurer  20:54  

Of course, 

DJ Stutz  20:55  

That they're a blessing, interesting, and they're 

Dr. George Maurer  20:58  

Absolutely, absolutely, yeah. Well, it sounds like your kids probably learned a lot from those experiences we did have. I mean, yeah, I know that in my travels in the Air Force, I wouldn't train them for the world. I mean, I lived in the Portuguese Azores, I lived in Alaska, I lived in Korea, I lived in Japan. I mean, I got to live in some really cool places. And I mean, it just travel in that way is just something that changes you. You grow from those things exactly. And I highly recommend travel to everyone. You didn't have to go to the other side of the world. You know, if you're from California, go to Idaho. See the trees. They're beautiful. I mean, if you're, if you're from Idaho, and you don't know any better, go to the beaches in Southern California. Maybe you go to Chicago. I mean, just go see something different. Yeah, and you'd be surprised how interesting it is, how much you learn about yourself, even. 

DJ Stutz  22:00  

Especially about yourself, especially about yourself. And I think the more we get to know other people and other people as their culture, but not to say yours is bad and mine is bad, or mine is bad and yours is good, or whatever. I just want to see who it is.

Dr. George Maurer  22:19  

It's just different. That's all 

DJ Stutz  22:20  

And we get to realize we're more alike than we are different. 

Dr. George Maurer  22:23  

Yeah. And you know what? Maybe they're doing something smarter than we're doing. Yeah, yeah. Maybe they got a system that's that just better, and maybe we can learn a few things exactly,

DJ Stutz  22:35  

Exactly. And so that's where I kind of want to encourage our families, is to get involved. And I know one more thing, I'm sorry it is. And, you know, you don't have to be like, I was a crazy PTA mom. I was the PTA president at so many schools. I was like a regional director. I became the state president, and then I was even eventually on the National Board of Directors. You know, you don't have to be that involved,

Dr. George Maurer  23:06  

Right. Of course, it's just what,

DJ Stutz  23:08  

But you do need to be somewhat involved, yeah.

Dr. George Maurer  23:11  

And honestly, I mean, a teacher that doesn't let a parent into the classroom, what a red flag. I mean, what a red flag. Boy.

DJ Stutz  23:21  

Hmm, and too, I think we're being told that this is how everyone feels, that everyone is marginalized, that this is that, and that's not the truth, right? And that what we're being told it's not as dire and as angry you can have friends. I've had friends that are from all different racial backgrounds, political backgrounds, religious backgrounds, and all of that is cool. I was shocked. Oh gosh. So two weekends ago, I was in California, in Northern California, it's about an hour north of Sacramento, and I have a grandson that's graduating from high school this year. I know I'm old, and congratulations. Thank you. Thank you. They were having a special ceremony for this little town. It's called Oroville, California. And, oh, you've heard of it? Okay, so there's I've heard of it, three, two main high schools and then an alternative high school in that town. And so the three high schools get together, and they honor the top 10 of each one of the schools. And so my grandson is the salutatorian. He's 4.3 

Dr. George Maurer  24:35  

Oh wow.  Very nice.

DJ Stutz  24:35  

Thank you very much. But here's what, I was just shocked. I come to the auditorium, I sit down and they actually had an opening invocation at the school event, the school district event,

Dr. George Maurer  24:51  

And no one sued them for it? 

DJ Stutz  24:53  

No. And in fact, the J bomb was dropped many times, meaning Jesus, 

Dr. George Maurer  24:59  


DJ Stutz  24:59  


Dr. George Maurer  24:59  

Yes, wow. 

DJ Stutz  25:01  

Dropped several times once by the school district guy that was running it, and then the students as they were talking about their dreams and what their plans for the future were for them. And yeah. And I was just shocked, and I looked over at my son, and I'm like, what is what? This is not what I'm hearing about California anymore. And he goes, right, no, this is different. This town is different, and they're doing stuff like this. So I think that there are these. They're more than pockets of hope. They are oceans of hope, all over where we just need to keep pushing. We need to set the example, like I say, for my parenting. Parents set the example. And so those who have a true understanding of who we are and that there is that inherent good in all of us, even though, yeah, there's an inherent evil too. There were both. But we do have that God piece in us.

Dr. George Maurer  25:59  

We have sin in us. No doubt about it. 

DJ Stutz  26:01  

Absolutely we do, but we also have that tenderness and that kindness and that reaching out, that desire to make something better. And if that's what, we can example for our children, even our very youngest children. And our children, it's amazing when you see them in preschool and kindergarten, how they will, most of them, will naturally reach out to another child that's upset, or another child that's sad, and you can just see them go over and maybe just put their arm around that child, or they would come to me, so and so is sad. What do you think is making them sad? I don't know. Well, go ask them.

Dr. George Maurer  26:40  

The innocence of children is very godlike in my opinion. I think if there hadn't been sin, I think we would all behave like that all the time. So yeah, those are my thoughts. Anyway. 

DJ Stutz  26:54  

Well, and I think that's why they're going after the little kids, because they are closest to that experience with God. They are the newest to our Earth. And if they can get it out of them,

Dr. George Maurer  27:04  

they can get them young, get them young, and train them for life. Yeah, yeah. Big time. It's sad. It really is. Well, it's even more than sad. It's it's downright creepy and evil, yeah, yep, 

DJ Stutz  27:19  

Yeah.I think so. So So I think for me, the conclusion that we can get is that, yes, that's out there, and we need to really pay attention, and you tell me if you have a different opinion or want to add on to it, but there's so much more good that's out there than we realize. And there are so many people. I don't care what color your skin is, I don't care where you go to church, whatever, that we all have this ability to love and care about one another and to cross those lines, and that there are more people that are willing to do that than they will ever want you to think that there are.

Dr. George Maurer  27:58  

I agree. I mean, in my time in the military, I worked with many people of many races and backgrounds and all that kind of thing. And, you know, I mean, there was conflict between us sometimes, but you know how many conflicts had to do with race? Zero, none, none. If somebody and I, you know, if another co worker and I were not getting along, it was because of something they did, something they said I didn't agree with maybe they didn't agree with me. But it wasn't about race. It was about everything except race. In my neighborhood, I live in a neighborhood with people of many races, we get along just fine, just fine. But it's not until these race baiters, and that's what they are, get involved, and that's when the problems begin. And honestly, I, you know, I think a large part of it, yeah, they're Marxist, but at the same time, I think a lot of times they're doing it because they're making a buck off of it. I mean, you have certain people out there, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Ibram X kendi, you know, they're all about race, all about race. And they come into these situations, and they make things worse. They collect money, yeah, and then they leave, and many times they haven't done anything for the local community, right? Black lives matter. You know, when they first started researching their money, they were like, okay, collected all this money, but what have you actually done with it? Have you helped anyone that you were supposed to help, right? And the answer was no. And not only that, they were spending it on their own, the one Patrice colors all the houses, $5 million house in Los Angeles, and she was paying the father of her child a million dollars a year or something, for some kind of consulting. I mean, just, and that's the worst part of it, is they come in there and people think, okay, we're going to get help here. Yeah, they're not here to help anybody. They.

DJ Stutz  27:58  

 Well, like I said, I spent most of my time, all but two years of my entire teaching career. We're in inner city, highly affected, lots of games, all kinds, yeah, and the politicians would all talk about equality in education, and yet, in my school, the carpet in my classroom, my facilities manager told me was at least 44 Oh, 40 years old, that I was supposed to maintain an iPad for every one of my students. I only had electrical outlets on two walls in my classroom. 

Dr. George Maurer  30:05  


DJ Stutz  30:15  

And so they would come and talk about all of these great things that they were going to do, and yet they never do them. It never happened. Nobody walked the walk. But they were more than happy to put in this program. Spent tons of money on this program and that, 

Dr. George Maurer

Yeah, $15 million for this, 10 million for that, and meanwhile, your kids, 40 year old carpet, yeah.

DJ Stutz

And you know why they wouldn't change it? There was asbestos underneath it. 

Dr. George Maurer  31:05  

You know, it seems like with a lot of these programs, the children are the last thing on their minds, the very last thing that they consider, right? It's crazy.

DJ Stutz  31:17  

If you really want to make a difference, you can't have equal outcomes. It's just because we're human. You're not going to have equal outcomes, but at least give these kids in these poorest areas the opportunity to have

Dr. George Maurer  31:29  

They're the most deserving 

DJ Stutz

electricity on all four walls in there, while you're supposed to use your computers at all of this.

Dr. George Maurer  31:36  

Yeah, exactly.

DJ Stutz  31:38  

How about a carpet? Can you imagine the germs that were in that carpet. 

Dr. George Maurer  31:42  

No, I can't that would have been and I can't believe anybody walked out of that classroom without catching catching something.

DJ Stutz  31:48  

I was sick every year. I was I was very sick

Dr. George Maurer  31:51  

I believe it, 

DJ Stutz  31:51  

every year. So real quick, before we end, let's ask you that final question. Okay, we know there are no perfect parents, but some do seem to be more successful than others. How would you describe a successful parent? 

Dr. George Maurer  32:05  

Well, I would describe a successful parent who builds enough of a foundation in their child's self confidence, self worth, self abilities to be able to handle the many challenges that are door to come their way and give them the inner strength to overcome and persevere.

DJ Stutz  32:30  

I love it. You're absolutely right, and then for us to have that same thing too as parents, yes, overcome absolutely and persevere. Wow, so Dr. George Maurer, thank you so much, man, you can see I get excited about this stuff, and I'm so glad that, and I love it.

Dr. George Maurer  32:47  

I love it. So we need more people like you, DJ, we really do. So thank you so much for having me on here. I was more than happy to share the message I love this conversation because I hate to see race holding us back, and it's being done on purpose, and that is what offends me more than anything. It just offends me more than anything. We are all brothers and sisters, and we all will get along just fine, and we generally do. We'll have our differences, of course, but it's just these people, and they're just during the pot, and they're doing it for their own purposes and their own needs, and they're making a buck off it, which is even worse, because they're Marxist pretending, oh, everybody should be equal and everybody should have equal pay, yeah, except them, they're Marxists. Are only offended by wealth when it belongs to someone else. They never are offended by being wealthy themselves. You'll notice that,

DJ Stutz  33:49  

Well, Dr. Maurer, we're going to be putting some contact information and information on how to get your book in the show notes. So everybody check out those show notes. And until next week, let's find joy in parenting. See you guys, 

DJ Stutz

Thank you so much for sticking around to the end of today's episode of imperfect heroes. Parenting is truly one of the most rewarding journeys we can take. But let's face it, it can be incredibly challenging, and sometimes we make it harder on ourselves than it needs to be. The good news is that with a little bit of work up front, there are practical steps you can take to bring more peace and joy into your family life. I am passionate to share these strategies and insights with you. If you're ready to step on the path to joyful, effective parenting, I invite you to schedule a family checkup, just click on the calendar link in the show notes below, schedule a time that works perfectly for you, and let's work together to create a more harmonious and happy environment. And remember every small step that you take today makes a big difference. So thank you again for joining us, and until next time, let's find joy parenting.

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