Dec. 16, 2024

Episode 181: Faith in Parenting: Building Spiritual Resilience in Children with Ashlee Terry

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In this episode of Imperfect Heroes, DJ Stutz chats with Ashlee Terry about the role of faith in parenting and building spiritual resilience in young children. Ashlee shares her story of recovery after a traumatic accident in January 2024, reflecting on how her childhood experiences with church, Sunday school, and Bible camp anchored her during life’s storms. Together, they discuss the importance of creating a faith-filled foundation that gives kids the strength and understanding to navigate challenges. Don’t miss this inspiring and insightful conversation!

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4:59  DJ and Ashlee discuss the connection between faith and a positive outlook increases the chances of having a happier life.
9:27  Ashlee talks about how participating in Sunday School, youth groups and Bible camp as a young child helped her to find her way back to faith after stepping away and working through a major injury.
19:51  DJ Stutz and Ashlee Terry provide practical advice for parents, including spending time in nature, having family game nights, and praying together.
26:31  DJ reminds parents that the key responsibility of faith education belongs to the parents and that church activities and groups only serve as a support.

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DJ Stutz  00:14
You're listening to Imperfect Heroes: Insights into Parenting, the perfect podcast for imperfect parents looking to find joy in their experience of raising children in an imperfect world, and I'm your host, DJ Stutz. Hey everyone, all my heroes and heroines. Thank you so much for choosing to spend a few more minutes with us again this week, and this week, I'm so excited. As you know, we're in December. I am so excited that we are talking this month about spirituality. You know, we've taken a theme every month for this whole year, and if you've been paying attention, you'll notice that we covered all of the gifts of the Spirit, and then you have to add a few more, because there's only eight of those. But, so, spirituality ending the year, we've got the sacred time of year that is so important for everyone. So it just seemed right to be talking about spirituality at this time, and how that works in your family, and how can we promote that with our children. So before we get started, though, with my amazing guest, Ashley Terry, we love her, yay. Oh, I'm so excited to have you. You have no idea.  This has been a lot of fun. If you're still looking for that stocking stuffer or a last minute gift. Roman is Bigger is a great little Christmas gift. If you've got kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews, and it's just this sweet story about a boy who has big emotions and how he finds the vocabulary to properly express himself.  Then, goodness is that the next installment, Roman is a Bigger Brother is going to be coming out anytime now, and so that's fun. And then there's another book, even still, that is in the work. So all exciting stuff with the books and having fun. If you want to learn more about the book, what you can do, you can always go to the website, which is, and you'll be able to get all the information on all my books and other resources that we have available for amazing parents like you. All right, let's get started. Ashley Terry, so you're amazing. You've got all of these great things that you provide and that you're doing, and so let's take a couple minutes and just introduce our followers to you and what you do.
Ashlee Terry  02:49
Thank you. Thank you for having me today. I'm very, very excited to be here. I've been counting down for our podcasts forever. I've told everybody about it, and I'm like, gonna talk about my faith and how it inspired my entire life and has helped me through so many challenging times, which we'll get into, I'm sure. Yeah, so I'm Ashley Terry. I live in the central part of Texas, mostly in Round Rock, but I frequent San Antonio as well. I work for now CFO. We are anaccounting and financial firm, and we help companies grow at the end of the day. And I think that really overlaps with a lot of personal growth, too. And when I think about it, it's like, when I want to help companies grow, I always kind of think about it at the end of the day, of the business day, like, how can I personally grow? And being a woman of faith, it's like, how can I put my day to day knowledge when it comes to helping a company grow? How can I do that spiritually? So when I met you, I really, you and I hit it off quickly, and you had mentioned your podcast and your books and everything, I was just so inspired. And you are just someone I definitely want to be one day, and I look up to a lot, and so I think what you're doing is amazing, and I can't wait to check out your books so, but that's a little bit about me. 
DJ Stutz  04:15
That is amazing, and it's great. And you know when you love what you do and find a way to love what you do. Yes, too, sometimes you have to work at it and see all the positives and all the good things that are going on. But as you find those paths, your life really does change.
Ashlee Terry  04:33
It changes in a deep way that I never thought my life would go and it's a lot to do with a company I'm with and the job I have, and being able to go to work and just genuinely say I love this company, I love my job. I can honestly say that at the end of the day, I'm not putting on a smile just for, yeah, for looks, I guess. And I really do mean it.
DJ Stutz  04:59
Yeah, it makes a huge difference. It really does. And I think too, as we look at developing spirituality in ourselves and in our kids and making that part of our family life, I have found, and it's not 100% nothing's ever 100%, that people who do have that strong connection to faith do tend to have that more rosy outlook on life and on people around them, and reaching out for that especially you know the Second Great Commandment, which is to love one another, and that's even the people you don't like, or the people who don't do their jobs well enough, and you're having to pick up the slack, but finding a way to really care about these people, and then setting that example for our children and even mentioning to them how your faith and how that connection with God really makes a difference in your life. And they see that, and they hear that from you, and point it out in their life too.
Ashlee Terry  05:57
And I think going back to the foundation of your faith. I think honestly, that really, I know that my story of this past year, and we need to talk about that, yeah, but the foundation of the faith that I had as a child, and I strayed away from the church, I strayed away from Jesus, I lost myself in this world, which is so common, and I know that so many people go through that, and it's challenging. You kind of look back on it and say, Wow, that was really the devil pulling me away from that church that I grew up in, that family dynamic that I had that was like Jesus and faith centered household, and to be able to go through something so traumatic and so life changing has come in the best way. I don't think I would ever change anything that had happened, because I'm here today where I am, and I would not change it. And that's kind of hard to come to terms with, because I did go through so much, but at the end of the day, I'm stronger in my faith. I'm closer to God. I have a very healthy relationship I'm in. I have the best relationship with my family as of now. Before I could not say that.  I was disappointed myself. They were disappointed in my actions, and I was able to redeem myself and just redeem myself in a way that, like God molded me this year into the person I was supposed to be.
DJ Stutz  07:32
You know, there's that scripture, train it, and I'll butcher it, I'm sure, but train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old, he will not stray far from it, or something like that. Yeah, and it took me a while to realize it's that one, when they are old and watching your kids, and that's part of parenting too, is understanding that your kids have the same right of choices, of making their own choices, that free agency, free will, whatever you call it, but they have those same rights as you, and so as a parent, it's often hard to watch them use that free will to make choices that you disagree with or that through experience, you're like, Oh, this isn't going to land well.
Ashlee Terry  08:14
Yeah, right.
DJ Stutz  08:16
So you try to warn them, but they'll listen to or not. And so that's a really hard part of parenting as well. Let's talk for just a little second, though, before we get into your story about your early childhood and when you did have that connection with your church and faith. I don't know, maybe I'm a weirdo, but I've never strayed from the church and from the faith. I have had questions. I've had hard times. I've had times when it's like I don't want to go, but I know I have to, and so, and I know what that's done for me in my life. But let's talk about that foundation that you had, that helped you go through what you went through.
Ashlee Terry  08:58
I grew up in a very Christ centered household. Day one, when I came out of the womb, I was in church, and I loved everything about that. I mean, I spent a lot of great foundational moments with my grandparents, and they instilled some precious values and morals in me at such a young age. And I think that's really what helped this whole transition of like straying away and then coming back. And I honestly, I grew up going to one of the best churches in Austin, and it's called Grace Covenant, and I've gone there since I was a newborn, and I went to Sunday school all throughout until you can go to Sunday school, I guess you switch over to you group, I think seventh grade or something, sixth grade. And I did that. I taught Sunday School for years until I was 23 and then I couldn't, just because of work obligations and everything.  And that was amazing. I taught art school through Sunday school. When I was in high school, I did that and went to church camp every year, which I highly recommend.
DJ Stutz  10:14
It's such a great experience for kids.
Ashlee Terry  10:17
It is the most amazing thing.  And even if the child cries and doesn't want to leave your side, believe me, I was there. It's only for, like, a couple days, maybe a week. It's not forever. Maybe an hour into it, your child will stop crying and they'll open up, and they'll experience something they've never had before, and that's the experience I got as a child being so heavily involved in the church that I was in, doing Sunday school, doing youth group, going to church camp, doing everything I was supposed to do. Wanted to do once I went to church camp, and I honestly wish I could go back to church camp, because it's so fun. It's so fun. I mean, you go and you're like, homesick for like, an hour, and then you're up writing courses and fishing and grilling out with all your buddies from church, and it's just a blast. And I highly recommend parents to get their children involved in church camp. They learn so much about their faith. It's foundational. It really is. It sets the tone for the rest of their life. And I say that with passion, and I say it with importance, because it really is important. I mean, youth group and Sunday school are definitely up there too, with importance and being involved in the church altogether. But church camp is like activities, but also bringing in Christ as well. You make a lot of friends during these activities, and you kind of learn to be independent, but also around right minded people. You know that you want to spend your time with. You want to build these fruitful, Christ centered relationships.
DJ Stutz  12:02
Right.  And that's really what we want to do for our kids and then for the hard times that will come. They will come because that's part of why we're here, is to go through those hard times, right? But when they do come, whether they've stayed strong and faithful in the Church throughout or whether they've had a time where they've wandered off and may come back.  Wherever they are, that foundation that you have, that I had in growing up, really does bouy them up and gives them a better foundation, I guess, or something more stable to hold on to.  You know, that iron rod of the gospel.
Ashlee Terry  12:43
I think just knowing the Lord and having such a strong foundation in my faith, I think, has truly saved me as a person. It has made me a different person. It has made me someone who loves life, who loves my job, who loves my family, my friends. Yeah.
DJ Stutz  13:02
All right, so let's start going into that story of your life adventure, and then how that foundation that you were able to have as a child and really supported you throughout.
Ashlee Terry  13:14
Yeah, so back in January of 2024, I'll start at the beginning of January. So I was grumpy and I was angry and I didn't want to go to work. I don't really remember what happened, just because of the whole traumatic experience. Altogether, I lost about three months of memory through that process. So all I know is, in February, I woke up and I was in the hospital on life support, ventilator tube down my throat. Didn't know where I was, who I was, why everyone was around me, crying. I remember waking up and my grandpa was to my right and my grandma was to my left. My dad was directly in front of me. My aunt was next to him, and I was like, why is everyone crying? So I lost all ability to speak, use my arms and walk. What happened was I somehow fell.  I think what happened was I took a nap on my couch and woke up. And I think I woke up, and you're kind of, when you wake up, you're in like a stupor because you're trying to gather your thoughts and your surroundings. And so I think I just completely tripped. I had a weighted blanket on me, and my coffee table next to my couch where I was was made up of very hard wood and steel. And so I think what I did was I knocked my head so hard that it sent me into a three week coma, wow. And I was unconscious for about four days, so my mom had to work over the weekend, and so kind of when everyone started to kind of wonder, like, what the heck is going on? She had just finished her weekend shift at the hospital, and it was a Tuesday, around lunchtime, and she came over.  And she had a key to my apartment.  She walked in and found me unconscious on the floor. I had been unconscious for four days, no water, none of the animals had the same I mean, I was completely out of it, so my mom instantly called my grandparents and then called EMS. EMS came and got me. Basically. They told her that if she would have showed up 30 minutes to an hour later, I would have been gone. I wouldn't be here right now.
DJ Stutz  15:36
I'm surprised that you made it that long anyway. 
Ashlee Terry  15:39
Exactly.  My entire body was shutting down, every part of my body, every organ. I had all kinds of organ failure. I was dehydrated. I don't know the human body works in weird ways. Yeah, so they rushed me to the hospital. I was on life support and a ventilator for three weeks. I was not awake. I couldn't breathe on my own, and they were very close to taking me off life support. And so my grandpa, he was the one who squeezed my hand. He said, Ashley, are you in there? Squeeze my hand, if you can hear me. So I squeezed it, and I woke up to find everyone around me, and I was very confused, and I think so after what the doctors told me is, after you come out of a coma, you hallucinate for like weeks, so I would have conversations with people who weren't even there. So my aunt had passed away the June before all of this, so a year and a half-ish ago, and supposedly I was talking to her. And I don't remember any of this. I mean, I was in the hospital for about almost three months. I was in physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. I could not speak, I could not use my arms. I couldn't talk. I had to learn how to swallow, walk, pretty much all of it. And it was truly a miracle. And at the time, I was absolutely miserable. I mean, think about you being bedridden, not being able to communicate. During the fall, I broke my phone so I had no way to communicate with outside world peace. And so, yeah, the whole thing looking back, I really every night, every day, every second, I just prayed. Prayed. I was like, Lord, I know this is your way of waking me up and waking me up to realize that my life is more precious than I think. And every day, people take life for granted. You know, I could be talking to you right now and have a brain aneurysm and go, anyone, anyone? No, I hope that doesn't happen, obviously. But fingers crossed, yeah, fingers crossed. The world today is not how it used to be, and I think that's going through all of that. I really, really decided that I was never going to live the way I was living, and I was going to go back to my church I grew up in that I was so heavily involved in. And I prayed, I prayed. I said, Lord, please let me walk again. That's all I want. I want to walk. I want to have a normal life. I want to be the 30 year old girl that I was. I want to have my life back. I want to go to dinners with my family, my friends. I want to date. I want to dress up and look pretty and be able to put makeup on. I remember I was out of the hospital, and I had to move in with my grandparents because I was not self sufficient, you know, wheelchair. I couldn't walk still, and I just told myself, I was like, I'm not going to give up. This is not the end for me. And with Jesus by my side, I was able to do a 360 turnaround. I'm walking, I'm driving, I'm talking, I'm using my hands, my arms, my writing is better than ever, and I cannot thank God enough. I mean, he saved me. He saved me from my life ending too early, and this is why I wanted to do this podcast so bad is I want people to know about my story, and know don't take life for granted. And if you're a parent and you are out there listening, I strongly recommend getting your children at a young age involved in church in faith, and praying with them and teaching them the ways of the Bible and what God preaches to us every single day. And having that foundation really saved me. And I think about this a lot. If I had gone into that whole situation without having any faith, I would not have made it. I mean, God kept me going for a reason. He. Kept pushing me for a reason, and I'm here because of him, because he saved me, he gave me a second opportunity at life, and I am forever grateful for him. And I told him in my hospital bed, I said, I will change, and I will do everything right this time, and I've stuck to it since.
DJ Stutz  16:32
Good for you. You brought up something in your story. Well, you brought up a few things in your story, but one of the things that really connected with me was when you said that, when you came out of that, and you had this conversation going on with God, and you said, I know that this is your way of like, what restarting me or and making me realize that my life is valuable and that I'm to be doing more. And I love that you had that trust, even though maybe you had a time that you were away from churchy things, but when this happened, your first inclination, at least from what I'm hearing from you, was one of trust that, okay, here's where we are, God. And and, I guess, thank you for putting me here. Yeah. Where do we go now? Because this is a reboot. But I think so many times that we as young people in the height of life and raising kids and doing all that, and then you're in my golden age. But even through any of these ages that things happen, and it they just happen. And so we have a choice of either getting really upset and blaming and poor me and all of these, or trusting in God, trusting in the scripture that says, Be still and know that I am God. That's one that is like in my mind every day, because I get so busy, because I get so sometimes distracted or frustrated or whatever, and I have to stop and take a breath and just remember, be still and feel that spirit of the Lord of our Savior, washing on me, and then being able to move forward in a better way. I love that you had that.
Ashlee Terry  22:04
I think, honestly, I think it was such an eye opening position. It was almost like God was with me in that hospital bed, and he was kind of shaking me. He was like, This is not what I may be for. This is not how you were supposed to end, I had more for you, and you were so hard headed throughout your life that I had to I he did. He did a good job. Let's just say he woke me up from this road of disappointment and grief and disobedience towards His Word and His promise to us that he's always going to be there, but we have to choose him. If we stray away, we choose that that's not in his plan, but we have the power to do that, but he wants us to stay on the path with him. Another thing is what really resonated with me through this whole thing. It's the first time I really was able to dress myself and do my hair and makeup. Was the first time that I was able to walk into my church that I had grown up in. Oh, and I walked in with a walker, and I was wobbling, but I still did it, and I wanted to, and I wanted to go to God and the place that I grew up. I felt him with me. I felt him holding me up and told me that, like it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be hard. It has been hard, but I have a bigger plan for you, and this is where I want you to be. And that has resonated with me, and that service resonated with me too, because it was all about the church of rock bottom. And the pastor was my youth group pastor, and I mean, it hit home hard. He talked about the church of rock bottom is where you want to be. It's the best place to be because it brings you back to God, it brings you back. You have to hit rock bottom before you can. Can only go up. So that was really where I decided, you know, and I had already pretty much decided, but that was kind of like the nail on the coffin for me, this is like I'm forever changed. I don't know it was almost. I think you get to a point where you in your life, where you decide, am I going to follow Christ, or am I going to constantly live in despair and right ashamed of myself? I was not the girl that I used to be. I was not going to church. I wasn't involved, as involved as I have been. I did things that I was not sure if I should be doing, which I definitely wasn’t.
DJ Stutz  24:53
If you have to question it, I think that's your answer.
Ashlee Terry  24:56
Yeah. I think it's your Yeah, exactly. So. When I was not abiding by the Bible and by Jesus and God, I knew I knew what I was doing. Oh, I'll test the waters. And I think this goes back to the foundation and how you want to raise your children, because I think starting out young, they are like sponges. Yeah, your brain works like a sponge. You saturate them in the Bible, you saturate them in Jesus Word, His promise, and they will forever. Take that with them. Start early, yeah, don't give up. Children grow into adults, and it's kind of hard for parents to kind of let go of that, and I 100% understand that. I know I'm not a parent myself, but I plan on having children one day, and I know how I want to raise children. It's the foundation and doing exactly what I did as a child and how involved I was, and having my children involved in the church is going to be a tremendous thing for them, and they will take that throughout their life, just like I did, and even in the hard times where they might stray away, they at least have that foundation to come back to. They know what is right and what's wrong, and they know Jesus's word, and I can't say that enough. I think that having that foundation as a child helped me through all of this, and has guided me truly.
DJ Stutz  26:31
Absolutely.  And I think too, remembering that as a parent, I'll give you this little advice before you start on that path, is we don't need. We should not leave it up to the church to do all of that teaching and education and stuff. The church is a support to what the parents need to be teaching. And so if you're praying together as a family every day, if you're spending time in the Bible and reading, and they see you reading, and then you're reading to them, or then when you notice the beauty of God's artistry, whether it's the change of the color in the leaves in the fall or the beauty of the white snow. Where I am, we get tons of snow. Didn't, when I lived in Vegas, but I love the snow. But there's the beauty of the clouds in the sky, and I have clouds behind me if you're watching on YouTube or Rumble, but you'll see the clouds because I just find so much artistry. I see God's hand in those clouds. I know that sounds weird, but everyone has their own place, but clouds are just amazing to me.
Ashlee Terry  27:37
I think spending as much time as a family in God's nature, what he created for us is huge. I think, experience beautiful moments. I think getting away from the world, putting your phones down, having that family time. I think family game night and like you said, Yes, I think is huge. I think praying and just opening up for an open dialog and being open minded and listening to your children, I think that's something that our world today lacks. I think it's like, shove an iPad in their face and call a day, you know, because they're screaming, they're crying, they want their iPad or their phone or whatever he says. I think once you take away technology and the media and the influences out there, because none of that is positive. Most of it is not. And I think you see celebrities and all this jazz and politics and Ick. I mean, it's all ick, yeah, dive in with your children on a deeper level. Yeah, like you said, pray with them. I think that's the one thing that if you keep consistent, they will even in their hard times like I did. I mean, all I did was pray when I was in my hospital bed and right, talk to God. I talked to Jesus, and I said, Lord, please, let me walk again. I just, I understand. I honestly knew I hit rock bottom, but then I found my church again, the church of rock bottom, and it led me to this beautiful life that I have now. And yeah, I recently moved into a brand new home, and I'm excited for that. Like I said, I have an amazing relationship. I, my family is proud of me. I'm doing great at my job. And none of that, none of it even, is relevant without Jesus in my life. Exactly, he's the provider he is, exactly. So you can all day say, Oh, I did a great sales presentation. Nope. Who helped you with that? Who provided you the strength and the guidance and the encouragement, I would say, to get through that, the Lord did. The Lord guides you through all of your aspects of life, regardless of the. Give him credit and you thank him for it or not, he's the one who has your back, and he fully had my back this year. Yeah.
DJ Stutz  30:07
Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Well, I wish we could go on forever, and I know that we're coming close to our time. Such a great story Ashley and I'll let you know I have so many people wanting to come onto the podcast. I have been booked for more than six months ahead, and I've got so many people sending me emails wanting to come and be on the show that I can pretty much pick who I want. But when I heard you and talked to you, I knew I've got to get Ashley on and get her story out in that spirit. And so what a lovely opportunity. So Ashley, if people do want to get a hold of you and talk to you or sharing God's word with you, what can they do?
Ashlee Terry  30:50
Honestly, the first, first thing I will say is, just pray for me. That's the first thing is I give all my success and the love that I receive through the Lord, I wouldn't be where I'm am today without him. So pray for me. Pray for My strength. I'm still going through physical therapy. I'm still having trouble with walking. I'm not 100% I was a trained dancer my whole life, and I've had all of that taken from me. So I can't run, I can't jump, I can't do the certain things that I used to be able to, which is fine, I'm alive and well, and that's all I'm happy about, and I will continue the process and trusting in the Lord, yeah. And then you can always reach out to me via email. My email is Ashley, A, S, H, L, E, E, there's no y, 12. Terry, T, E, R, R,, or you can reach me at 
DJ Stutz  31:49
Got it.  And we'll, of course, have that in the show notes. But I think just that Christian community, that Community of Christ that we all have, and it, it really doesn't matter what church we go to, I feel like there are so many different denominations. But when we come together, looking to our Lord and Savior, looking to our Heavenly Father, and as we come together as this varied and interesting community in an effort to do His will, to serve his purposes, then I think that's where we need to be. That's where we need to be. So thank you so very much. Yeah.
Ashlee Terry  32:30
Yeah. And I think everything starts to align.
DJ Stutz  32:36
That's how we're going to save our communities. That's how we are going to save our society worldwide, but it starts with our local our neighborhoods and our communities, the churches we go to and the churches we don't go to. And it's fun, I think, to take a Sunday off from your normal routine and to go to a church that you've never been to, and to meet the neighbors that you probably would live in the same community, obviously, if they're going to church locally, but people that you maybe haven't met yet, or don't know yet, or whatever, it's a great way to connect with each other, through our love of our Lord and Savior and our Heavenly Father. So anyway, so exciting, all right, so I always ask my guess, the same question at the end. And so, of course, we know there are no perfect parents, but how would you describe maybe a successful parent?
Ashlee Terry  33:30
I would say, obviously the faith Foundation, starting them off young, teaching them what's right and wrong, and then growing on that through the Bible. Having them really involved reading with them the Bible, the Word of the Lord, I would say that is extremely important. Like I said, Children, at a young age are sponges. They're going to soak all that in all the knowledge of the Bible. And there's so many great scripture in the Bible and so many things that I abide by daily. And I say it to myself sometimes, you know the word, and I just I love that, and I revert back to it a lot in certain situations. And I just really think that keeping your family very Christ centered, really devoting energy and time praying with your children. And there will be hard times. There are going to be challenges, and they might not listen. They might shy away, just as I did. However, if you provide that foundation to them, I think they likely will come back when they hit the rock bottom, and then you'll find the rock bottom church, and they'll just revert right back to Christ. And I really believe that, and honestly, because, I mean, I learn firsthand, and also what I love is as we go through this very complicated and kind of sinful world, I think keeping Jesus as your. CEO or your president.
DJ Stutz  35:02
I love that. Yeah, love that.
Ashlee Terry  35:04
I mean, I love it so much. I always think about it. There's so many politics, there's so many debates on now and stuff. And so I think whatever the economy turns to, whatever our world turns to, keep Jesus, your CEO and your heart and your president, that's all that matters at the end of the day, right? Trust in the Lord and He will provide he always has. So...
DJ Stutz  35:29
Right.  Absolutely. Ashley, thank you so much for spending this time with us. I really appreciate it. Fun conversation. Well, I just consider myself so very lucky with some of the people that are put into my life, and I come across and I'm able to meet, I would never have met otherwise, if I wasn't doing this podcast or doing the coaching. So thank you so much.
Ashlee Terry  35:50
Thank you so much for having me, and I really look forward to everything that's upcoming for you. Any financial help? Just let me know, absolutely yes.
DJ Stutz  36:00
Get a hold of Ashley. If you need any financial advice, that's a great thing. So thank you very much. And everyone, don't forget that if you like what you've heard in today's program, be sure to give us a follow a like a five star review and leave comments you can also get on our socials. We've got Facebook and Instagram. Those links are in the show notes too, if you just want to go there, follow the page and be part of the conversation. So thank you everyone. I hope everyone's having a wonderful holiday season, and that Christ is found at the center of that and so until next time, let's find joy in parenting. See you later guys.
Ashlee Terry  36:41
Thank you.
DJ Stutz  36:42
Thank you so much for sticking around to the end of today's episode of imperfect heroes. Parenting is truly one of the most rewarding journeys we can take. But let's face it, it can be incredibly challenging, and sometimes we make it harder on ourselves than it needs to be. The good news is that with a little bit of work up front, there are practical steps you can take to bring more peace and joy into your family life. I am passionate to share these strategies and insights with you. If you're ready to step on the path to joyful, effective parenting, I invite you to schedule a family checkup. Just click on the calendar link in the show notes below. Schedule a time that works perfectly for you, and let's work together to create a more harmonious and happy environment. And remember every small step that you take today makes a big difference. So thank you again for joining us, and until next time, let's find joy in parenting 

Transcribed by


Ashlee Terry
