In this podcast episode, Michaell Magrutsche joins DJ to discuss his neurodiversity, how he processes information, how he expresses himself, and how as a child, this greatly affected him and his ability to fit in educationally. His message is one of finding the genius in everyone and how they can grow and find fulfillment through that. Tune in to hear DJ & Michael discuss this and how recognizing and using that genius can help children learn and connect to the other pieces of education.
Michaell Magrutsche is a multidisciplinary artist, awareness/creativity, educator, speaker, and author. He works on raising the awareness of our limitless human potential and its wisdom. He is an advocate for helping understand neurodiversity. Michaell’s dyslexia and dysgraphia forced him to develop an awareness of seeing the world purely from a human perspective. Creating art completed his awareness of what it is to be human. You can connect with Michaell through
• [7:58] “The creation of art was my savior. And I've become conscious because before 30, it was just survival. I did just what I had to do to survive…”
• 15:55] “In humans, there is no perfection. It's just imperfection.”
• [22:54] DJ explains: “Every child is gifted as a genius at something… it's that process of creation that helps us with the process of learning. And when we connect the two is when we really see kids thrive.”
• [36:11] Michaell discusses balance being the key to get the most human potential out of anyone.
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DJ Stutz 0:13
We think you should know that Imperfect Heroes podcast is a production of Little Hearts Academy USA.
You're listening to Episode 86 of Imperfect Heroes, Insights Into Parenting, the perfect podcast for imperfect parents looking to find joy in their experience of raising children in an imperfect world. And I'm your host, DJ Stutz. Michaell Magrutsche is an Austrian Californian. And he is a multidisciplinary artist. He's a speaker, and he's an author. He works on raising the awareness of our own limitless human potential, and the wisdom that comes with that. He's also an advocate for helping others understand neurodiversity. Michael's own neurodiversity forced him to develop his own awareness of seeing the world purely from a human perspective, rather than a systems perspective. And we're going to talk about that in our conversation. Creating art was something that completed his awareness of what it means to be human, and what that meant to him. As he continues to live with his own neurodiversity, and contributing to the world, there's so much to learn. So let's get started.
You know, I've been talking about this for a little bit, and I'm going to talk about it again, about how an imperfect hero is just someone who recognizes their own imperfections, but is always looking for ways to become better. And so that might mean being a better spouse, better son or daughter, maybe a better brother or sister, how about a better employee, or just a better parent. And while you were looking for ways to improve your own life experience, and then improving the life experiences of your children, you know, that having someone to talk with about what are the best practices? And what are the challenges related to how children develop, and then they can help you develop ideas that you can then use today, tomorrow, next week, and then continue as your children grow? Well, what if you could engage with a mother of five, who was an early childhood specialist with more than 20 years of classroom experience, committed to supporting you to discover your own parenting style, help you identify behavioral triggers, and then learn about your children's emotional development with a focus on enhancing communication within the family? Well, that's me. And I really do look forward and hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity to continue this type of a conversation with you. So down in the shownotes, is my calendar link directly straight to my calendar, and, you can go in, find a time that works for you. And just with a few clicks, you're going to have an appointment that will cost you nothing. Well, we will spend 50 minutes learning about your concerns and your goals, and then coming together to share some recommendations on how you can create that home environment where you and your children can have strong relationships, and then celebrate the happiness and peace that comes with that.
You know, I believe every child is a genius in something. And honestly, that has been my experience. In all my years of teaching of being a parenting facilitator for the Division of Family and Youth Services in raising my own kids. And being an auntie to 70 children. Well, most of them are adults now. And being a grandma, all those times that have been in my life, I have really been hit with the understanding that every one of these kids that I come in contact with is a genius, somewhere at something, it might be an academic genius, you know, that's the first thing that comes to mind quite often. It might be athletics, it could be maybe their genius, it some form of art. It could also be their genius app, just being social. Things like kindness, gratitude, or kind of just reading people and picking up on their feelings. And then knowing how to reach out some people that's just intuitively their understanding and their go to and to me, that's a form of genius. And as I became more occult unpolished in teaching, I found my best successes were when I figured out what the kids were a genius at. And then using that genius to help them learn, and connect it to the other pieces of education that they were learning. And this is also a great process for parents to do, as well as teachers. But for you to really look at your kids and find and mock by, oh, my son is so perfect. Oh, my daughter's amazing, but really look and see what are they a genius at? And it might take some time to figure it out or for them to develop it. But be aware and watch. Well, Michaell Magrutsche has been neurodiverse his whole life. And that means that he processes information differently, and he expresses himself differently. And as a child, this greatly affected him and his ability to fit in educationally as he grew up in Austria. Michaell's message is one of finding the genius in everyone, and then how they can grow and find fulfillment through that. So let's listen to him. Welcome, everyone, and I'm so glad that you've decided to spend the next few minutes with imperfect heroes Podcast. Today, I have a great guest and we're talking on a subject that's near and dear to my heart. So Michaell Magrutsche is an author, he's an artist, and he's also got his own neuro diversities. So Michaell, why don't you talk to us a little bit about what you've gone on.
Michaell Magrutsche 6:42
Hi, DJ, thank you for having me. I was really short, I was sick child. And I was held back tills get seven, and then started my class. And then I couldn't comprehend anything in the class, I couldn't regurgitate. So actually, that was the reason that couldn't repeat what was taught to me, and also, and that was defined, I was dyslexic. So the school knew I was dyslexic. But that was just a definition of a symptom. Nobody understood what it is dyslexia, really, it's just, you can't fit in the system. And then dysgraphia was I just found out like, five years ago, because it couldn't understand what I wrote. I couldn't see the context or feel or sense what this was this word. And it's a disassociation of what you wrote down for Jewish girl. And yeah, I try that wasn't the rebel rebel or anything, I was speaking of the class, but if flunked the classes, and till a 30, I didn't even know that I was an artist, I just saw at 30, I realized, Oh, my God, all my jobs are related. And it was my Savior, the creation of art was my savior. And I've become conscious because before 30, it was just survival. I did just what I had to do to survive. And I wasn't even conscious of that. I just did what felt good or what made me feel human. And that I found in art.
DJ Stutz 8:19
Yeah, that's amazing. And it's so true that art is a saving grace in the lives, I think the majority of us in some way. So whether it's drawing, painting, it could be music, it could be writing and telling stories, could be dance. There's so many ways that art is expressed in the lives of humanity. But art as a whole, I think, is an absolute saving grace. People who listen to my podcasts, I know, I talked about my son, Christian quite a bit. He was super, super ADHD. And getting through high school was difficult for him. He got the grades, but he wasn't happy. He didn't like going to school. That saving grace for him was woodshop. And so the wood art took that creative form. And he was able to use that and he made some amazing pieces for our home and for our family. But I think that expression of creativity and using your brain in that way, really, really, really helped him. And so let's talk a little bit about how some of the things went on when you were a kid and it's not necessarily that they have to be neurodiverse it doesn't matter. Kids who are quote unquote, typical respond to art as well. And it helps us get through hard times that kind of thing. Talk to me a little bit about how you work with that.
Michaell Magrutsche 10:06
So there's one thing that you said that we're using our brain, we actually don't use our brain. It's the tactile stuff, the tactile, you know, the hands on on the woodshop. Humans tactile, that's why you have the CEO that works 80 hours a week, tinkers in his garden or thinkers in on his car on the weekend. Because we need to be a human beings not human thinkers or human doers. We are human beings. And we are tinkering and tinkering. So that lazy is the definition of systems that they make, keep your make your work and submitting, we are Tinker, we are touching, we are tactile, we touching each other, you know, touch the healing touch or whatever. It's the receiver and the giver. If there is no lose, there is no you lose because you massage somebody you know, it's the massager and the massage II that get it. And, and that's why I say that art creation. That's what I defined in my last book, this mode of art is the art that we know. And that's where we are unconsciously humanity is the art world. And the art world is the art business. It's all about the product, the end product, but as you hear from a lot of people it's about and you know from yourself, your life isn't knowledge, your life is the journey. So do have an arc a personal arc, you know, in your life, and say, Okay, this is where I came from. And this is where I end up is the experience, you know, and in the experience, you have traumas and you have pipe points and, and the whole thing of trauma and high points makes up your awareness of who you are. Right. And that's, that's all in our creation, you don't have to go to trauma, which is so magical, Barnard, you don't have to go to trauma, you don't have to go the window Oscar, to have an experience, you have that experience in the creation. Because you're basically a thought and inspiration comes in. And you bring that into the physical. So you hear a sound and you make a song, you see a color, you make a painting, you see an image, you create a poem. So the inspiration triggers you whatever inspiration comes from, and you bring it into the physical, you manifest that thing into a song, a painting, a podcast, whatever what you know, you're great that yeah, and in that process, when you when you milk that process, like I'm milking this process right now, you and me talking. When you're very aware and not and you get actually can sink. When you create, you can think, Oh, I have to pay bills or anything. Because when you it came to you to want to make podcasts you didn't say, Oh, I have to pay bills, I have to do this after that. When you focus on how am I gonna do that podcast? Yeah, you're not thinking about your husband or your kids or anything. You're focusing on this, and then you stop, and then you think about Yasbeck. But while you are creating, and that's why most people feel so wonderful, because they're not in mind constructs a mooring about my bills or worrying about this. And that's why 97% of artists on the poverty level because it is so hard to be in system, eight to five, everything's structured, we have our own cycles, we have seasons, we need sleep, and to be in it, the system doesn't care that we created by the way, it's not that the systems are bad, but it's just on the other side of the mothers to that need to support their kids. And we create a system but we are unaware that it's human against human creativity, basically. And in that unconsciousness and this is what I want to do and this is my new book I'm writing on this unconsciousness of creativity of one human against creativity of other human like for example tax systems, right we new politician, we create a new stack system and what do we are doing on the other side we creating ways to navigate around the tax system not pay the taxes. So but the you know, who's the big loser boasts humanity's the big the system gets stronger, the humanity gets weaker, because we spending more of our life force and life time to plug into the system to pay our bills. Right. And so So, creation is I just have to We off a little bit to give you a little context and I think creation is a superpower. Any creation is a superpower When a kid does a thing of painting that comes out of its essence, that's why some kids use yellow and other in green. Everybody uses his round shapes, jackets, shapes, a mixture of them. And your individuality is expressed in that creation that doesn't have a purpose. It's not defined. And that's the the wonder of, and this is why you say imperfect in your title. And I said, imperfect, according to systems. Imperfect defection doesn't exist in humans. It exists only in a system, your input imperfect, because systems are so limited. So in that limited Ness, because they are limited. It needs to be perfect. So three steps, you know, if a system has steps, that three steps if you do them, right, you get the fourth them, you'll get the fourth result. But in humans, there is no perfection. It just imperfection. And we say it's so yeah, humans are not perfect. And we see that almost shaming. That's, that's the power, the imperfection is that how human it's not a fault of humans. It's not that, okay, the weak point of humans is the time perfect. No, no, no, we just can't see the perfection. There's a difference of being aware of being perfect for being imperfect. Because as you know, there's no extra stuff in nature. Nature has an extra stuff at it. Okay, there's too many zebras, we need to slaughter them. There's too many wherever
DJ Stutz 16:32
they have lions to do that.
Michaell Magrutsche 16:34
Yeah, exactly why they're hungry. There's a difference. They're not just hunting, because they need to have they have more meat. So nature doesn't make a mistake. And we know that and in science system, say, yes, then don't make mistakes, no mistakes. And we can even figure out how water comes against gravity up a tree into leaps. Sometimes the tree is up to 100 yards and high. And we cannot scientifically replicate that. Because we don't know. So there's a lot of things we don't know. And that's what systems call imperfect. But they're real and understood lack of awareness. It's not knowledge, it's awareness. Knowledge is limited. Again, it's an awareness. It's an awareness. Like, you know, you're a woman, right? We don't need this guy, you know, we have, we have gravity, there's nothing to discuss. It's an absolute. It's the highest truth. It's that whatever you want to call it. And so I'm an awareness educator, that's the most defined description. And I expressed this with my being when I'm with you on this on this, I don't need to give you steps or what to do or wake up and do exercises or draw that you'll become an artist. I don't need to do any of that. I'm just by my example. I'm saying what what I am and who I am, you know? Yeah, yeah,
DJ Stutz 17:56
well, and so then I think about our little guys, where they start out in becoming aware that you have a brand new baby. And it becomes aware that this hand in front of them actually belongs to them, that they have the ability to control and to move it. And so their whole early existence is finding that awareness of my body who I am, where am I in space, I learned not to walk into tables, because I start becoming aware of where I am in connection to the table and all of that. And that's an amazing time of life. I love Well, I love all of it. But I love watching these little guys. It's so fun. And occasionally I've had the opportunity to be with a child, when they've made a connection that, wait a minute, I can actually control this hand that's in front of me and you see a light that goes on inside of them. Because they've become that. And we put them into school, and then we put them into a system like you're talking about, and the system may be conducive to what they do. I have nieces and nephews who love working on worksheets and solving math problems. And that's their art, isn't it? Yeah. And if they don't fit into that, if that's not their bag, then we put them in the system where they're not functioning. Exactly. Well. And so how do we help them find that place where they can live within the system and, and succeed?
Michaell Magrutsche 19:37
I think digit does this one lack of awareness of us all. And we find it more and more that kids are perfect when they grow up. And there is a differentiation of the becoming aware, self aware. Like seeing your hands playing with your toes for an hour. Yeah, I think that is this Perfect spirit, this perfect spirit that feels, thinks and has all the senses. It comes into the body and the physicalness. And then the first seven years, you know, the seven, eight years is the building years. And I think that's not an indication that is what it is to be physical. And so we become like you say, I see the light going on. Okay, this is what this is, I spirit doesn't need to eat, but in the physical spirit needs to eat. And there is different tastes. And there is this and that. And I think that's what kids humans learn in the first seven years, then. So what is it it took for me to be a human being. And that's why the first seven years are so important to be aware, and to not train a kid not to show a kid what you do, but not to train it. Not to train a kid. Oh, you got to go potty. And if you don't get potty and the kid because the kid doesn't go to potty or you know, doesn't the diaper still when they're five, I'm not saying be just oblivious and they can do anything. But show him with you with your being what you do. So it has a reference. It's in that absorption phase. till seven, that it says okay, this is how we do so that it hits mommy, this is what they do. That's what love is, you know, are traumatizing. Okay, that's what just life is in seven years. And that's not the truth. But because they are so powerful the first years, we think life is this and we never get over. Right? If we didn't were right, and I think then come school, that six or seven. And there's so many scientists all over the world now saying, we come with the ability, there is no mistakes nature, like we said, right? We come within the ability that is unique that nobody on this planet can do better than us. So we are all geniuses before school. And after school, the gifted children, the 3%, to 99%, a gifted to do one task or one part of humanity better than anybody else. And at the end of school, we have 3% that are gifted. Yeah, everybody else's system defined already adapted because of the abilities a superpower. Otherwise, we couldn't survive concentration camps who couldn't survive slavery, we could still have wars, so adaptable, but we just unconscious. And that's where the disaster comes a distortion of humanity that we have to now become aware of,
DJ Stutz 22:54
right, you know, as a kindergarten teacher, and I would talk to my fellow teachers and stuff, and I did some in services, with staff. But I really, truly believe that every child, like you said, is gifted as a genius at something at something. And so our job was to find out what that is, and then help them expand it. Let's say that they're a genius with a sport, and they're really interested and they get it, they understand it, but they're afraid of math. Well, we bring the sport we bring with their genius at bringing it into the math, and all of a sudden, they're getting it because that's where their area of genius is, whether it's creating music or art, but it's that process of creation, that helps us with the process of learning. And when we connect the two is when we really see kids threat,
Michaell Magrutsche 23:54
the compass, the tactile stuffing in it again, that comes down. Because we are not just praying most people think okay, you you're intelligent, couches is nothing. Intelligence is system adaptability. This one coach that keeps talking about who the leaders in SEAL teams are, they are not the best sport. People that that can hold the press the longest, or do whatever they are the ones that are trustworthy, in order to be trustworthy and trusting is you have to connect with other humans, you have to have the connection. And if you lose that connection, because you're not fitting into the system, I don't allow my DNA was driving me to get in systems. Even though I was never bullied and I was very good with people. I will speak of the class at rodeo. But the message was, there's something inherently wrong with you. And that's what systems do. And this is the big lie and I think once the people get the big lie, it should be sunny every day. That is the biggest lie that I've ever are heard. Because if you are a living being, any living being in this world, our nature or humans, is always challenged every moment, the moment you live you a challenge, because that's what life is. And it doesn't mean you have to suffer or sacrifice, I'm just saying you would challenge meaning every antair every elephant, every you and I, I mean, recall a time where you went challenge, you will always have something to share your health, your relationship, your job, it's you always challenged. And if we could surrender to that, and not enough believing the crap that says, Oh, if that Sunny, you get a Ferrari, you get a pill, oh, we gotta give you a face job, you know, and then you gotta be happy, or you will use that cream or whatever. Because most people try all these things. And that's why consumerism comes from, and then they're not happy. And that will be okay, that will be okay just didn't work, right, if how to maybe what they do and work. But the constant over generations conditioning, that you can buy your fulfillment, you can get a thing, you gotta get a partner, it starts with that, you get the right partner, you are fulfilled, Not true. Not true. Now, if fulfillment comes from within, not from the partner, and, and so if we just get that in skin school, I said, Honey, you are living beings enjoy it. And it's not always sunny, but the dark, make sure we have the light because it wouldn't be always sunny, you wouldn't see that it's dark. So, but the tricky thing that distorted seeing is the shaming, the self shaming, because now I bought the pill, I bought the Ferrari, I got my face completely perfect, you know. And I got the creams that I got the workout, I got everything. And I'm not fulfilled. That's like a lot of millionaires, billionaires, and they're not fulfilled. Okay. So what does that say in your being your flop, your condition that there is something with me, something is wrong with me. And that is why we allow systems to kill 80,000 people in Ukraine in five months. That's why we allow all these atrocities on this world. Because we have no more value. We don't see like, okay, they just I exist, and I'm valuable. What we see is, there's something wrong with me, because everybody is better than me. And system says it should be sunny every day, and it isn't. Right. And then you start self shaming. And that's where the killer is. It's a self fulfilling prophecy that you get plugged in, or you plug yourself in and says I'm buying their Ferrari and then it didn't help. And then that's the problem. That's our, I think, the core problem that we are going right now and you don't know what is human and see other humans through relating and storytelling can soften that blow. How often have you said, I'm so ashamed having this and then a friend of your sister, I have exactly the same. And that relating heals the shame. It makes it softer. It doesn't heal it, but it makes it softer.
DJ Stutz 28:27
Well, or even if you have a friend you think I'm so ashamed that this trait or this thing that I have, and you have someone else that comes along and says, really, because that's one of my favorite things about you.
Michaell Magrutsche 28:38
Exactly. I mean, Cambrian I love that you said that music can be even death rage. It's not even a bad thing. And you have your bed sitting over bed saying, and then we relate to each other. No, no, it could be saying that people like that, you know?
DJ Stutz 28:52
Yeah. Yeah. And not everyone's gonna like that part of you.
Michaell Magrutsche 28:56
And that's okay. There's gonna like, you know,
DJ Stutz 28:59
and that's okay. That was a hard lesson for me to learn, growing up and into my adulthood, and there's bits of it even now, when someone really doesn't like me. And I feel like what am I doing wrong? Why don't they like me? Instead of giving them the freedom? Yeah, you're free to not like me, that's fine.
Michaell Magrutsche 29:17
You don't like everybody you know? Exactly what that's all thing. And also what that what not liking is what I found is it's basically pushing you in another direction. So if I don't like you, okay, then I'm pushed into some because I'm always pushed into my DNA says, go to the whole tribe, that you know, move towards the tribe because they are the fulfillment, the potential that your human potential everything is there. So that's how unconscious so we have pushed through that. So if I don't like you, I'm going to another person. Great. So it's not a don't lag is not like system definition. This discus, that person is not good for me. No, that person shows me, I don't find my wholeness with that person, I need to go to go to a worse person or a better person or another person. So it's basically, wherever you hit the wall, like you sit with the kids, right? Yeah, wherever you get the wall, you get aware, I need to move somewhere else. And this understand that they're essentially human understanding how human function, not in systems, not through system, but through dialogue and stories. That's what our power is because it says so much more. Our talk that you and I have right now. You couldn't put it in a library. There's so much information exchanged, right? That linear Li You couldn't put that talk in a library? Because there's so many other senses involved in it? Right?
DJ Stutz 30:52
Right. Right. It's kind of like how I think we're the textures of the world, right? We're texting all the time. And so I might reply to something with Oh, wow. without hearing the inflection of my voice is like, well, what? Oh, wow. Like, that's a bad thing. Oh, wow. Like, that's a good thing. Oh, wow. Like, you didn't think that I'm capable of this. You can put so many things into it without having the other information that comes. So there's a lot of miscommunication that goes on in our world through that. So how do we teach our little guys then, to find that awareness and that existence? How do we help them along?
Michaell Magrutsche 31:34
to CMS, big guys, to CMS perfect spirits. We don't have to teach them. We don't have to teach them we have to be exemplary. Yeah, you don't yell at your partner in front. Or if or if you yell, you say that's okay. It's okay to look at animals, they, they go a second together, they have to fight and then they go apart. It's not that you can never yell at somebody. Well, that happens in nature, too. And I always take what nature does I always refer to how does nature solve that problem? Because we are part of nature. That's the closest and highest truth we can relate to. And if you tell kids watch animals, and first of all kids already love animals because they get their natural you know, and they have no fear. They go to a doc they touch a dog they touch an elephant they have no fear. Right not because because they should have fear because fear is system generated. Humans should only have fear when there is a an animal prey at the house, then there shouldn't have any fear about what could be tomorrow or yesterday or whatever. Our true fear to fear is a threat or our lives when I'm haunted. When a storm hits and I have no shelter. That's a true fear. And that is now it's not Oh, there's a storm coming. Yeah, I can see that can make me aware that doesn't mean I'm dying. But insistence Oh, this and hurricane calm, you know how often we blow up the hurricane. And then it's nothing. Yeah, very rarely, it's worse than we thought. It's all the time. Because it's working on fear. It's it has become its own life, the systems that other people created, and it becomes its own life. So I think we hear examplary because we are in the copying mode. You know, humans always copy other people. So be the best example that you can be. That's why the answer for humans is so many people say, be the best that you can be for yourself, not for the system, not for you, man, be the best that you can see. Because then you will be the best for humanity. Quick example, the beggar on the street in New York on the Fifth Avenue has more impact that you and I can ever have. Because why? Because everybody that sees him is affected by him, go around him, go on the other street. Talk to him, give him money, try to help them. Everybody is affected though. So when you see him when you sense Him, you are affected by the homeless person, because you identify this homeless person. Now. phenomenally human impact, right, right. Zero system impact. It's a nuisance. It shouldn't be. And he's affected by the system impact. And the sad thing, the saddest thing the tragedy of this is that he thinks he has no value. Yes, he has no system value. There's so much shame. Because when you ever talk to a homeless person, or you're driven in a bus or something, you know, there's nothing wrong with them. They are disturbed, whatever Yeah, they can. But even the disturbance there's nothing wrong. There's not saying okay, this person needs to be eliminated that needs to be segregated from society. And that's what I'm saying is to see it human right if we can give that to our kids. The habit, but amplifying don't change that you take care of that girl, boy, you know, and they're angry boy wants to beat the girl and the boy protector. It's okay. It's both okay? It's not said why do you want to be that girl? I say, don't tell people always educate with questions. Don't tell him what to do what is right and wrong? Because then Nick already in the system differentiate why you do it. Because that gives both the educator or the kindergartener an insight. And don't let them get away with it in the good old lady Maria get away with it is when you don't ask question. When you punish, then you let actually, that's my punishment never worked, you know that it doesn't work. If you're in prison, people, whatever, it doesn't work.
DJ Stutz 35:48
Well, and I recognize the difference between there's punishment. And then there's discipline, and discipline. We are educating, we are talking, you're asking questions, we are growing, we are mentoring, we are doing all of that with punishment of just like, I'm going to make you stop, I'm going to where's the where is the lesson in punishment? Because there's no
Michaell Magrutsche 36:11
balance. Yep, the human being when a poor human being is out of balance, which is that what financial system does to the financial basis of all system, because we need sleep, we need sick, it bounces everybody out of balance, when is the human, the least effective out of balance. Because if he hasn't had sleep, if you haven't had appreciation of others, to balance is the key to get the most human potential out. If you can look at all your education, how am I balanced? So you have the things where where kids flip out? Okay, that's imbalance. So how can I restore balance or help them discover their own balance? If we just get that that is not scientific, there's nothing to know, this is inherently in you that you know. So if I flip out right now, on this call, you know what to do, if you flip out on this car, I know in here is whether we haven't met, right, but we have our human senses to know how to deal with that. Right? And we need to trust go back to the trust of our humanity, to trust that human sense. And I have only discovered that because it couldn't fit in a hat to rely on this. And so many people that this geniuses have to rely on this, on the sixth sense on all their senses to make sense of being physical.
DJ Stutz 37:36
Yeah. Well, and I think you bring up the great point, and I'm so glad you did. That the fact that some of those experiences have for you like not fitting in, or I have a daughter that we adopted when she was 12. And so she'd been on the street, she'd been in foster care. She'd been through all these really negative things. And I remember thinking, how is she ever going to overcome this and have a decent life. But I will tell you, because of what she went through, she's the most forgiving person I have ever met in my entire life. These experiences have helped her to understand humanity a little better, and understand that people do things because they're stressed, they're whatever. And I'm just amazed at how she's become this beautiful woman. She's a mother, she's a wife, she's a great employee. And so we put these constructs on, you know, for me when when she first came to us, and how was she going to do this? How is she going to do that? Well, the truth is for her anyway, that because she's gone through all of this, she's become this amazing woman. Because you went through all of that, as a child, you've become this amazing guy with this great artistic talent, and with these outlooks on life. And so I think that instead of hating the hard times, maybe asking more questions of yourself to what am I going to learn from this? How am I going to help others understand what we're going through, and we become who we are. We grow because of the hard times we don't go to the gym to just walk around and have fun and watch a movie. We go to the gym to work hard and to to be challenged and to get sore, it hurts.
Michaell Magrutsche 39:30
I just think challenge and challenge because it took me 50 years, more than six years it to become where I am now. And I just think life is so precious. And I am absolutely for what you're saying that. That's why I'm saying it's a challenge. You're a living being you're challenged anyway, you know, I think it's just exponentially so much more than the challenge. So our human potential that Rasul peace that is the best of what you can. If I was at this at the awareness stage that I'm now, when I was 20, could you imagine the potential not the money, I'm not talking system or anything, the human potential then I could spread, like we're doing now you and I, we went through hard times ourselves. And if we could give that wisdom through stories like podcasts or whatever, to other younger educators, kids, and whatever, human potential would be exponential, not just the system potential and navigation that keeps repeating. We wouldn't repeat this stuff. We wouldn't repeat, your daughter doesn't repeat that stuff that she had to go through. But you had to learn it first. And there's that awareness that we just say not it will happen ultimately, in the goodwill separate from the bed. Anyway, like in nature, You're the strongest survive. Because honestly, if I didn't have that spirit that I had, in me, that warrior spirit that I have in me, I know a lot of people, especially in our diverse, people don't get oh, I know that. So I just was very lucky or blessed, or whatever you want to say that I had that spirit. Because even people that are super super system adept look up to me, that's how I can't believe I could never live the life that you live. But because of my spirit, because it could have very easily given up every day. I was like, You're four times homeless, you know, almost, you know, it was just like, that's close to be and I stayed on the street a couple of times. And you don't know that because we are on a system thing. And you see me and you hear me, okay, that person B, I have no F still now to this day, I have very human relevance. So I have a relevance for you. But I'm not relevant for systems, my books, so $58, all year, five books $58. I'm not very system relevant. And they're very good books, because you see the perspective that I can supply. Right. So I'm still not system relevant, because I can't do a to five job. And so this is what I want to get out. If I convey as my part of it is that that I think we unique and perfect, like we all are, by existing because you need to hold on to that thought nature doesn't make a mistake, and we are part of nature. So our existence is worthy. Not more than yours in the human race. So you are one I'm born, we are part of the puzzle in systems who have different values. And if you allow the system to be higher than you, that is more power that we sacrifice our lives we don't sleep because it's I'm gonna make this work that system up there in comes the problem, right? Because we have a distorted view of ourselves. Live is a challenge, but should be an up and down like a wave. It should be up and down. And it should be okay. And you should be aware of it. This is what I'm now I'm aware of going through tough times and surrender to that there is no shaming coming anymore. Before it was that. Okay, and now that I'm still not good enough, I'm still not good enough. Because I still have those rainy days, and I shouldn't have the rainy days I should be every because the system says is sunny, everything. That should be perfect. That's favorite.
DJ Stutz 43:33
Yeah. And so you are able to look at who you're with that challenge. You're able to really gauge your own self and say, Wow, I'm up to this amazing, hard challenge. And I can do this or I can say, Oh, I'm not good enough. I'm not whatever. But when you just allow yourself to
Michaell Magrutsche 43:57
be. Yeah, yeah, we are beings we are not it says in our in our definition. We are beings. We are not doings. We are not knowings we are not.
DJ Stutz 44:08
I love that. I love that. Yeah, that will we're coming close to our time, Michaell, for our listeners want to get more of you or to maybe look into your books or whatever, where can they go?
Michaell Magrutsche 44:21
So I've one hop thats called Michael was two L's And you get all my books, my free podcast, which is 20 seconds. It's just a quote. Because I'm not able to make a long podcast. I can't be a host or something because that would be prepared nation and I told you I don't function. Well, yeah, that so I don't function in that. So it might it's just a quote and a question. And that's enough effort that because I have 120 and I have 320 quotes ready to be released. They are part of my books. They're part of My life. And they are about art, the art creation in humans, and they're not about the art product. So if you are an art product, there is enough education out there in art history. I am focusing on art creation and how that is a superpower of humans. And yeah, And this was so enriching, anytime you want me on, anytime. And thank you so
DJ Stutz 45:25
much. Well, before we go, I just wanted to drop a final question on you. And I asked this of all of my guests. How would you define a successful parent?
Michaell Magrutsche 45:37
Exemplary, that's it. You know, a parent's is obviously older, has more experience. And whatever makes them function the best. If you are, no, you're an angry person. And you know, anger gets, you're always, I'm not saying shame yourself. But I say, anger gets you then accept the anger. And also, don't be angry when you have kids or release your anger, process your anger, when you are a pessimist. process that because you know when you are when as soon as you're aware of certain things, as a parent, make sure that you implement that awareness and become exemplary. And this is a cliff note to that. As soon as you are aware, you need to change anyway, that goes automatic. The moment you are aware of something happening, you have to do something about it, right. And so the awareness of an alcoholic or shame person or angry person that weakens don't see it as a weakness, and also express it when your parents and you get angry. See, this is my weakness. This is not working for me as being a human. I have that need to work on that. It's a work in progress. Now, goal isn't anything that I don't like about myself is a process like life is it's a journey, and then be exemplary for your kids. Don't be existem exemplary, be human exemplary.
DJ Stutz 47:07
I love that. Yeah. Be human exemplary. Such great words. Yeah. Michaell, thank you so much for spending this time with us. I really appreciate it. And I'm sure we'll talk again,
Michaell Magrutsche 47:21
thank you so much, DJ, I appreciate it.
DJ Stutz 47:26
So if you would like more information on Michaell, and his books, and the services that he offers, all that information is in the show notes. And I am so grateful. For those of you who have become just such loyal listeners, and are listening and downloading the episodes. What helps the podcast grow is not just that you're listening. But if you're downloading, which I know most of us just stream, but the podcasts that do really well and grow. And that beat the algorithms are the ones that have the most downloads. So one of the things that you can do is download an episode. And then when you're done, just delete it. And then it's not taking up memory root on your phone or on your computer or whatever. The more my podcast grows, the more I'm able to reach out and help more families, and then help them to understand how their children develop, and then how to use that knowledge within their own families and in their own structures. So it would be a really huge help for me, if you would download an episode. And then leave a rating and review five stars is the appropriate number of stars and follow the podcast. Those are the three things that really help a podcast grow. So it's downloads, ratings, and then follows. And then please tell your friends about us and let them know the things that we can help them with. These are simple acts of kindness actually, that make all the difference in how we move forward. So next week, my guest is Sarah Finniss. And we're going to be talking about the importance of movement and the way that children learn. So check it out and see and until next time, let's find joy in parenting!
Transcribed by
Artist, Awareness Educator, Speaker
Michaell Magrutsche, Austrian/Californian multidisciplinary artist, awareness/creativity, educator, speaker, and author. He works on raising the awareness of our limitless human potential and its wisdom. He is an advocate for helping understand neurodiversity.
Michaell’s dyslexia and dysgraphia forced him to develop an awareness of seeing the world purely from a human perspective. Creating art completed his awareness of what it is to be human.
Michaell’s talent is recognizing awareness to seed a new consciousness that allows us to unveil the untapped superpowers of human’s limitlessness, art/creativity, healthy discourse and adaptability to make all humans fit within our human tapestry.
Because Michaell has been a sick child also dyslexic and has dysgraphia (hand eye coordination) he could only navigate in very few systems. Michaell was forced to find his salvation in art. Interacting and creating art outside of systems helped him feel humane and got him through life. Michaell is completely self-taught. Art allowed him to experience life with other humans and 5 books later, Michaell produced with Robert Evans and became a City Arts Commissioner etc. etc.
Michaell discovered that creating art is humans greatest inherent superpower, followed by healthy dialogue and our adaptability. These superpowers are applicable to everything from Creativity, Leadership, Business, Education, Relationships and what else humans focus on.
Today, Michaell keeps unveiling the limitations of all man-made systems like technology, science, economy … Read More