In this episode, DJ talks with Procrastination Coach, Podcaster and Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Christine Li about setting attainable goals, manipulating your mindset and how failures are our best teachers and a brand new oppo...
Last episode, DJ brought you 10 tips to help your child avoid a Christmas meltdown. In this episode, she’s bringing all you overcommitted, trying-to-exceed-everyone’s-expectations, grown-ups out there some tips to avoid your ...
Tis’ the season for large family gatherings, twinkling lights, music, laughter, presents, an overabundance of food and more. In this episode, DJ shares her top tips on how to consider your child’s individual needs and their r...
In this episode DJ talks with Matt Ballard about helping your child develop the spirit of giving instead of receiving and how we can guide our children in departing from the “getting” mentality by helping them look outward an...
In this episode DJ talks with Clarissa about how to raise 6 children with different needs and desires when one of them has cerebral palsy; her life of frequent doctor and therapy appointments and her hesitance... then accepta...
In this episode DJ poses the question and answers it... of how we should go about raising children who not only have strong family values, but who also value family? Tune in for some great tips on teaching our children throug...
In this episode DJ is talking about the upcoming Trinity of Holidays - Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s, how they are all connected and how each one can prepare you and your family for the next and enrich your lives… if y...
Traditions and rules are being broken in this podcast episode! And everyone is going to be better for it! Tune in to hear how you and your children can have a more substantive and impactful holiday season together by intentio...
From managing tempers and the number of potty breaks taken to regulating screen time and throwing in some quiet time, listening to this episode will give you the perfect recipe to take your next family trip with small childre...
HALLOWEEN is coming! And it is an exciting time of year for our children. In this episode, DJ is breaking down the pros and cons of “All Hallows Eve” and how we can turn this spooky and sugar-filled occasion into a beautiful ...
It's time to Potty Training...or is it? is an exciting time. It's full of anticipation, frustration, excitement and joy. In this episode DJ shares her experiences as the mother of 5 and an early childhood specialist and b...
It is so hard to see your children arguing, picking on one another and even fighting. You want them to love one another and to be friends. Perhaps that happens some of the time or most of the time, but then there are thos...
We have all had those days and nights where it seems our child never stops crying or screaming. You are exhausted, stressed and feeling like if you were a better parent you would be able to make them stop. You feel insecure...
You are a parent who wants to be more present with your family but things just seem to get in the way. Sometimes we worry, and there are so many things we worry about. Finances, family issues, work issues, our own insecurit...
Are you a parent who wants to be more present with your family but things just seem to get in the way? Sometimes we worry, and there are so many things we worry about. Finances, family issues, work issues, our own insecurit...
Most parents work while raising kids. Even if you are blessed to be at home, it is easy to become overly busy with being a volunteer with teams, school and church. While there are many different ways to find balance, in thi...
Postpartum Depression is serious business and more common than you might think. Whether it is something you may be struggling with or someone you love, this is the episode for you. New moms may be thinking they are crazy, a...
So many parents realize they need to further their education to better meet the needs of their family. Whether you are are starting new or going back, this episode is for you. In this episode my guest is Dr. Erin Bennion who...
Are your kids unorganized? Do they struggle with simple chores and tasks? Does frustrated anger erupt after you have told them 50 times to get something done? Some of our children seem to get overwhelmed so easily. The si...
It is hard for some parents to admit their child needs help in some way. It was for me. Today's guest is teacher Bailey Olsen from Michigan. She has so much experience in helping young students get the assistance they need...
The first day of school can be a little daunting whether you are sending your precious child to preschool, kindergarten or higher grades. There are many changes with each year and with the uncertainty of containing and new C...
What to you need to know and do to make sure your children are safe if you're not there to protect them? I understand we don't like to talk about or plan for how things will go if we die, but if we don't plan it leaves the d...
I think almost every parent wants to raise strong daughters. In this episode I have a conversation with Sunny and Dan Bennion. A father/daughter team that has great respect for each other. Sunny is about to go off to her n...
There are so many things we should never say to our kids, but for this episode, I highlight 10 common things that parents often say to their kids that tend to do more harm than good. By the end of this episode you will have t...