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Melinda Mulcahy

Melinda Mulcahy Profile Photo

Curiosity and Super Genius Catalyst

Melinda is one of only a handful of Curiosity Specialists in the world. She helps you understand your greatest superpower - your curiosity - so that you can take control and thrive in negativity, challenge, complexity or uncertainty.
She does this by helping individuals and organisations understand exactly how curiosity works and its numerous benefits – because curiosity is so much more than just asking questions. This enables you to capitalise on how you think, take action and get what you want, or something even better.
After suffering a perfect storm that led to enlightenment that then served a divine storm, during this time, she didn’t just ‘barely’ survive! She absolutely triumphed throughout. Quantum-hacking her mind, body and spirit, she dropped over 5 dress sizes, overcame brain fog, cancer, debilitating illness, severe menopause including panic disorder, and snapped Achilles. This, in addition to overcoming a lifetime of limiting beliefs, depression, severe monkey mind, dependence and undiagnosed dyslexia, whilst finding purpose, harmony and ultimately unlocked her ability to capitalise on her true and infinite potentiality.

Melinda realised how she managed to get through so much and even to flip it to her advantage – her curiosity. During this process, she also realised happiness is contingent upon circumstance, whereas, your curiosity is not contingent upon anything!

The reality is most weren’t taught how to think to our advantage simply because we were lead to believe curiosity is a bad thing. The outcome is evidenced by the negatively spiralling statistics for stress, addictions, mental ill health and disease.

Melinda’s 7 step Thinking System helps you identify situations more positively and to ask better questions. Regardless of your circumstance, if done correctly, will unlock better results, more efficiently and shift you into infinite potentiality, (where all possibilities exist) without having to “feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Since Melinda dedicated her life to understanding curiosity over 9 years ago, she has identified over 70 benefits. In fact, 3 times Pulitzer Prize winner and Investigative Journalist of the New York Times, Thomas Friedman says, and science is now proving that your curiosity (CQ - Curiosity Quotient) is more important that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Intelligence (IQ) combined. Why? Because it’s intrinsic to both and more importantly meta-cognition - which is your ability to assess and question your own thoughts.
Curiosity can significantly improve mental and physical health. It is also KEY to unlocking your highest potential, genius, creativity, intuition, happiness, purpose, ideal energy states like motivation and flow, and is intrinsic to success. Ultimately giving you the advantage in life mastery, business and achievement.
This is the real secret that the highest achievers throughout history have mastered from da Vinci, Curie, Tesla, Edison, Einstein, Murdoch, Branson, Jobs, Page, Brin, Vaynerchuk, Musk, Blakely.

Jan. 9, 2024

Episode 132: Want To Keep Active Kids Busy? Keep Them Curious with Melinda Mulcahy

In this episode, special guest Melinda Mulcahy is sharing the pivotal role of language and curiosity in parenting young children. Listen in as she and DJ discuss the positive impact of tweaking language to align with the brai...