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Susan Landers

Susan Landers Profile Photo

author, speaker, neonatologist

Dr. Susan Landers is a neonatologist who worked full-time in the NICU for over thirty years and raised three children to young adulthood. She achieved many academic and professional accomplishments, and she encountered challenges along the way, both in her career and in her mothering. She loves to tell stories that reassure younger mothers to know that they, too, can be a “good enough mother” especially if they work full-time. She supports mothers with her social media posts, free resources, and her blog. She also cautions physicians and nurses - who might be experiencing serious burnout – about the ways in which it affects their lives and their relationships, and the many ways to treat and recover from burnout. Her new book is “So Many Babies: My Life Balancing a Busy Medical Career and Motherhood.”

Jan. 9, 2023

Episode 81: Working Moms and Mom Guilt with Dr. Susan Landers

Are you a working mom? Do you suffer from mom guilt? And is that guilt you’re feeling affecting your relationships with your family? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this episode is a MUST listen! Tune in …

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