Walt Karniski is a Developmental Pediatrician. He trained at Boston Children’s Hospital, affiliated with Harvard Medical Center. He was the Director of the Division of Developmental Pediatrics at the University of South Florida, in Tampa, Florida for 15 years. He then opened a private practice and for 20 years, evaluated and treated children with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Learning Disabilities and other developmental difficulties. During that time, he developed and operated three private schools for children with ADHD, Anxiety and Learning Disabilities. Over the 40 years he has been practicing, he has evaluated and treated close to 10,000 children. He been the director of a child abuse program and a program for enhancing development in children born premature. He has also conducted numerous studies of brain activity in children. He has approached each child as a unique individual, with distinctive strengths and weaknesses, where the diagnosis does not matter as much as understanding the specific needs of each child.